From The Inside Out (Part 8). Are you living your faith with an inside voice or an outside voice? This message challenges us to boldly exalt Christ in our everyday life!
Read MoreSalvation
HOW WILL THIS BE? - Tim Mannin
Art of Advent (Part One). We begin this series with deep reflection on the wild story of young Mary and her courageous faith. Her story is intended to birth in us a new, daring, and impossible type of living!
Read MoreWHY GOD KNOCKS - Tim Mannin
Make God Last (Part 8). In this powerful message we are challenged by the call of Jesus beyond our lukewarm tendencies, yet we are also met with the invitation of our gracious God who continually knocks on the door of our heart.
Read MoreWHILE WE WAIT - Kaleb Kinney
To God’s Exiles (part 8). We close out our series on 1st and 2nd Peter by exploring Peter’s final call to the exiled people of God; to hold firm in our faith and love those around us like Jesus.
Read MoreGOD WILL MAKE A WAY - Tim Mannin
Awe + Wonder (Part 6). When we face circumstances where “there’s no way” we have to remember God is the way maker. In Luke 7, Jesus powerfully demonstrates how He is the way when there was no way.
Read MoreSTRONG LIKE JESUS - Tim Mannin
Awe + Wonder (Part 5). Do you feel strong? Weak? Jesus was strong, bold, and at times he was even terrifying! In this message we explore the often underestimated power that lives in us. We can be strong like Jesus!
Awe + Wonder (Part 4). Awe and wonder leads to a greater understanding of the fear of God. In this message we explore the beauty and mystery of reverent awe and godly fear.
Read MoreAWE + WONDER - Tim Mannin
In this Easter message we explore the subjects of doubt and faith — which has always been at the core to how people respond to the resurrection of Jesus. It’s the wonder if versus the wonder of God.
Read MoreTHE LAMB IS THE GOAT - Tim Mannin
Awe + Wonder (Part 2). As we approach Holy Week we explore the powerful story of Jesus and his atoning work for us. Plus we talk lambs, dead goats, and dusty goats.
Read MoreFILL THE EMPTY - Tim Mannin
All Are Welcome (Part 3). In this message we explore the heaviness of emptiness. Many people struggle to be fulfilled, yet that is the the very reason Jesus has come — to fill the empty and declare all welcome.
Read MoreINVITED IN - Tim Mannin
All Are Welcome (Part 1). We’ve all felt the pain of being uninvited, unwanted, or unwelcome. We begin a new series of teachings with a powerful encouragement — you’re in!
Read MoreFIRST I GOTTA - Tim Mannin
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 1). It’s hard to admit that we can get busy doing our own thing, but when we consider our ways and make God first…then God will start doing His thing.
Read MoreLET IT GO - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 2). God promises to pull you into who he made you to be…so what do we do when we feel chained to our past in a way that limits our future.
Read MoreLOVED - Tim Mannin
We wear a lot of labels in life, none better than, I am loved. The story of Easter is the ultimate expression of God’s love for us.
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 10). A life that desire’s to do things that matter for the kingdom will end up at the edge of a boat…over and over again. Jesus bids us to come!
Read MoreTHE POWER OF THE OUGHT - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 6). Building the fire in our hearts will be accompanied by saying yes to what ought to be in our lives.
Read MoreAFTER SUDDENLY - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 5). The powerful story of Paul’s sudden and shocking conversion in Acts 9 is about so much more than one moment and one person, it’s about all that came after, including us.
Read MoreCUT TO THE HEART - Tim Mannin
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Part 4). We explore the depths of why Jesus had to sacrifice his life, in order to give us life! The power of the gospel cuts straight to the heart.
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Part 3). Concepts of eternity are poorly shaped by cultural portrayals of heaven and hell, therefore we must consider what did Jesus actually say about eternal life?
Read MoreTAKE THAT STEP - Tim Mannin
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Part 2). Your life is the story of steps you take and don’t take. God invites you into the adventure and life only he can give, but it requires you to take that step!
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