From The Inside Out (Part 7). God wants to give you the desires of your heart! In this message we unpack how we know can know that what we want is what God wants.
Read MoreDream
FULL SPIRAL - Tim Mannin
In this message we share the exciting news of the next chapter for our church, plus we are encouraged through this picture of not coming full circle, but more like full spiral!
Read MoreHOW WILL THIS BE? - Tim Mannin
Art of Advent (Part One). We begin this series with deep reflection on the wild story of young Mary and her courageous faith. Her story is intended to birth in us a new, daring, and impossible type of living!
Read MoreVISION DAY - Tim Mannin
In this message we share some exciting new vision coming this year. We are over the top passionate for the living God and the ways He is moving in and through OKC Community!
Read MoreLIVING WITH HIM AS LORD - Kaleb Kinney
The Art Of Living (Part 5). How can we choose to live with faith no matter what our circumstances look like? Kaleb walks us through the story of Joseph and what it looks like to live with Jesus as Lord.
The Art Of Living (Part 4). The beginning of every great work of art starts with vision.
Read MoreFREE TO LIVE - Tim Mannin
The Art Of Living (Part 3). In Acts 12 we find a story for all of us about unexpected prisons we encounter in life and the freedom God wants to give us. You are free to live!
Read MoreCHANGING OUR WAYS - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 17). Some change happens to us and some change happens because of us. As we close 2020 it’s time to acclimatize to the changes and new work Jesus wants to do in the new year ahead of us .
Read More"A Prayer For The Church & The City" - Tim Mannin
To The City (Week 8) In this message we explore the hope and good news of Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3 for the Church (and each of us). We are encouraged that God, out of his glorious riches and his unlimited love, is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or even imagine. This prayer is for anyone who is hopeful, discouraged, hungry, hurting, eager, empty, passionate, or somewhere in the middle. (Eph. 3:14-21)
Read More"Immeasurably More" - Tim Mannin
Ephesians (Week 8) At the end of Paul's prayer in Ephesians, he attempts to describe the indescribability of God's power at work within us. Do we believe that God is as powerful as He says He is in Eph. 3:20-21? And if so, does our life reflect that? We often believe that God can do these things in other areas, but are we asking Him to do more than we can imagine in our life for His glory? (Eph. 3:20-21, Mark 9:17-24)
Read More"I Want To See" - Tim Mannin
Doing Things That Matter (Week 3) There are moments in life when God allows us to see our world for what it could be, to see a vision or a dream of what could be done to impact those around us. Just as blind Bartimaeus responded when Jesus asked "what do you want me to do for you," we too must ask to for eyes to see the need around us and the courage to do things that matter. (Mark 10:35-52)
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