From The Inside Out (Part 7). God wants to give you the desires of your heart! In this message we unpack how we know can know that what we want is what God wants.
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Make God Last (Part 1). We begin a new series of teachings with a powerful word from Revelation and the life of the Apostle John for the rest of 2024. We don’t want to just make God first — we want to make him last!
Read MoreFIRST I GOTTA - Tim Mannin
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 1). It’s hard to admit that we can get busy doing our own thing, but when we consider our ways and make God first…then God will start doing His thing.
Read MoreJESUS IS FOR YOU - Tim Mannin
JESUS: Still Changing Everything About Everything (Part 2). When it feels like the world is coming against you, thanks be to God, Jesus comes to help us.
Read MoreSTEP INTO THE RIVER - Tim Mannin
Revival Hope (Part 2). If you want to see God move in power then you have to look for it and you have to step into it. This message is for all of who have hope and need hope! (Joshua 3)
Read MoreOUT OF THE CHUNNEL - Tim Mannin
Unspoken (Pt 3). In the final message of Unspoken we explore the question: how do the dreams and callings that are deep within us come out of hiding?
Read MoreUNDER THE SURFACE - Tim Mannin
Under The Surface (Pt 2). This sermon unpacks our fears that live under the surface and work to stop us. Sometimes the only way forward is to go deeper.
Unspoken (Pt 1). We begin a series on the power of vulnerability. This journey begins inward into the places only God knows about us.
Read MoreYOU CAN'T SHAKE THIS - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 6). With life comes hardships and challenges that can shake us to the ground, but Jesus shows us a way to build an unshakable life on the rock.
Read MoreWHO AM I GOING TO BE TODAY? - Tim Mannin
Every Good Work (Part 3). We have consistent inconsistencies and every day can feel like a battle over who we are going to be. Yet, God intends to increase his good works in and through us - we have a destiny to fulfill.
Read MoreTAKE THE LID OFF - Tim Mannin
Every Good Work (Part 2). We must take the lid off of our growth! We can easily slip into a maintenance mindset instead of a movement mindset. In order for God to work in and through us He must grow us.
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