From The Inside Out (Part 4). In this message we explore the depths of relational needs and how a wall of shame and fear prevent us from authentic community…but once again God has good news for us.
Read MoreCommunity
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 6). How are you doing at loving all people? In this message Scot distinguishes the way Jesus prioritized and loved people — which changes everything!
Read MoreFIRST I GOTTA - Tim Mannin
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 1). It’s hard to admit that we can get busy doing our own thing, but when we consider our ways and make God first…then God will start doing His thing.
Read MoreGIFTED - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 4). In God’s making of you he gifted you! Spiritual gifts are one of the ways God shows us his love and invites us into a bigger story. You were made for more!
Read MoreONE HEART + ONE MIND - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 2). We begin our journey in the book of Acts and immediately are struck by a faith that is united, bold, and costly. God has more for you!
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Part 3). Concepts of eternity are poorly shaped by cultural portrayals of heaven and hell, therefore we must consider what did Jesus actually say about eternal life?
Read MoreSPIRITUAL FAMILY - Tim Mannin
Live The Values (Part 6). God has given us the gift of spiritual family. Therefore, we trust spiritual family as better way to live and must reject the notion of an individualized faith.
Read MoreAUTHENTIC CHURCH - Christie + Tim Mannin
James (Part 5). An authentic church knows how to help one another. Tim and Christie share a message of hope from James 5, plus some of their own story during a time of need.
Read MoreTHE WAY TO COMMUNITY - Tim Mannin
What Now? (Part 3). In the first few pages of Genesis shame and fear become instruments of division between us and God and also between one another. Thankfully, God made a way through the division for authentic community to exist. We all need community more than we know.
Read MoreWHAT NOW? - Tim Mannin
Now is the time for the Church (all believers) to step into the vision God has prepared and positioned us for. God is on the move…and he has something for everyone who’s ready to go where He leads.
Read More"The Culture of Revival" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 7) Jesus desires unity for us, yet the world we live in is more divided than ever. In this message we talk about the dividing realities of our culture, and how a culture of revival is one of unity, one-anothering, and oneness! What are we cultivating with our lives? (Mat 13:24-26, Jn 17:20-24, Hb 13:1)
Read More"Jesus Loves Parties" - Tim & Christie Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 44) This morning we discuss the example of hospitality and acceptance that Jesus showed through grace, love, and generosity. Are we living out our lives in this way? Are we radically inclusive to all that we share our lives with? Are we feeling the conviction of building and creating community the way Jesus did? (John 2, Matt. 9:10-13, 25:35-36, Luke 14:12-14, 19:5, Mark 12:30-31)
Read More"They Broke Bread" - Tim Mannin
The First Church (Part 4) The gospel is expansive and free. We as a church desire to lead our culture, but we can't lead it through violence and hostility. We must lead through building relationships and the breaking of bread. This morning we hear stories from others in our church about the importance of community, building relationships, and breaking bread together. (Acts 2:42-47, Matthew 26:26-28)
Read More"A Letter" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 9) Everyone loves a great ending to a compelling story. In today's message we look at Paul's final words in his letter to the Philippians. Our pastor shares a letter from his heart to us as a body as we close on one chapter in the life of our young church and open a new one, with hope, grace, and peace. If you'd like a copy of "the letter" download here. (Philippians 4:21-23)
Read More"Shine Like Stars" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 5) In the verses we study this morning, we see Paul referencing the Exodus story and how the Israelites complained and grumbled. In so doing, they were so caught up in the mud of their circumstances, that they missed the miracles around them. They had forgotten how far God had brought them. In Paul's letter, he encourages them to stop their grumbling and shine like the stars of the universe. (Philippians 2:14-16)
Read More"Humility" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 3) The root of self-centeredness is so deep and pervasive in our lives that we often don't know how to take the first step towards humility. This morning we are implored to challenge our self-centeredness by beginning to pray differently, focus on others, and value our community. (Philippians 2:1-11)
Read More"The Pursuit of Life on Life Community" - Blair Humphreys
Bringing Life To Our City (Part 8) This morning we welcome guest speaker Blair Humphreys as he discusses what it means to be connected to the people around us. Often times we find ourselves living in silos of separated community, but what this city needs is people to share their lives with each other. The Church is called to be soul on soul, life on life community so that others are truly known and truly loved. (Thes. 2:8)
Read More"The City Saved The Church" - Tim Mannin
Bringing Life To Our City (Part 3) As we read in Acts 17, we see how Paul addresses the city after he first understands it. How is your story connected to the bigger story? Your life isn't about you, but about the endless possibilities of the gospel through you. The city invites you and the gospel into it, everyday. (Acts 17)
Read More"Strong and Courageous, Part Four" - Tim Mannin
Each of our families are unique and different, and no matter what role you play in your family, we have been challenged to carry out the mission of Jesus. We all own the role of creating the culture in our family, and this morning we ask for strength and courage to do so. (Joshua 24)
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