Lord Show Us The Way (Part 4). The message of the cross is power! In this sermon, we challenge and stir our call to follow the crucified way of Jesus!
Read MoreSurrender
From The Inside Out (Part 4). In this message we explore the depths of relational needs and how a wall of shame and fear prevent us from authentic community…but once again God has good news for us.
Read MoreHEART OF HEARTS - Tim Mannin
From The Inside Out (Part 1). We begin a new series with a powerful word. Discover how true transformation starts within as we align our hearts with God and live out our faith authentically and purposefully.
Read MoreTRUST GOD'S PROMISES - Tim Mannin
Art of Advent (Part Four). We close our Advent series by going to the origin of God’s promises in Genesis. A promise to withhold nothing back from us, and a hope to be a people who withhold nothing back from God.
Read MoreHOW WILL THIS BE? - Tim Mannin
Art of Advent (Part One). We begin this series with deep reflection on the wild story of young Mary and her courageous faith. Her story is intended to birth in us a new, daring, and impossible type of living!
Read MoreFILL THE EMPTY - Tim Mannin
All Are Welcome (Part 3). In this message we explore the heaviness of emptiness. Many people struggle to be fulfilled, yet that is the the very reason Jesus has come — to fill the empty and declare all welcome.
Read MoreBREAK THE BATTLE - Tim Mannin
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 5). Do you have a habit, struggle, addiction or battle that you want to break? In this message we explore how to welcome God’s power into our battles.
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 4). Money is competing for first place in our lives, yet Jesus said, “we cannot serve both God and money.” In this message, we ask God to break the “spirit of mammon” in us, so we can better honor God with all we have.
Read MoreTHAT'S MY KING - Tim Mannin
JESUS: Still Changing Everything (Part 1). In this powerful message about the Kingdom of God we find the unique and beautiful gift of Jesus!
Read MoreI AM NOT HIM - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 5). In this final message of Made we lean all the way in to who God made us to be, but just as importantly, who we are NOT made to be!
The Parables (Part 7). We close this teaching series with a powerful parable from Luke 18 that reveals how Jesus has done and is everything for us! Christ alone is all we need and want.
Read MoreTHE POWER OF CHOICE - DeWayne Walker
The Parables (Part 3). In this message exploring the parable of the prodigal son we’re reminded that God has prepared a table for us. We can sit at that table with great confidence knowing that our firm foundation is based in Christ’s immeasurable love, grace, and plan for us.
Read MoreANTI-ABIDE CULTURE - Tim Mannin
Abide (Part 1). In part 1 of this series we explore the concept of biblical abiding and the contrast of our culture that is bent towards the opposite of abiding.
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 10). A life that desire’s to do things that matter for the kingdom will end up at the edge of a boat…over and over again. Jesus bids us to come!
Read MoreNEVER + ALWAYS THIRSTY - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 9). A fire in our hearts will also mean a hunger and thirst in our souls. The powerful encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well show us a faith that is never, yet always thirsty.
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 4). In Acts 10 we encounter a story of epic breakthrough that required stepping across a new threshold. We too are in a season breaking through new thresholds!
Read MoreNUMBERS DON'T LIE - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 3.) Through Acts we see a repeated theme, “and the Lord added to their number.” Growth is a part of God’s purpose for our lives and for God’s Church…so how do we do it?
Read MoreUNEXPECTED - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 1). We begin our new series in Luke 1 and story of God using unexpected people to be a part of miraculous things.
Read MoreCOURAGEOUS FAITH - Tim Mannin
Live The Values (Part 5). When our faith is afraid our courage gets robbed, yet to be afraid is to be human. So, how do we live with a courageous faith in the midst of fear?
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