
"A Day With: Session One" - Shane Farmer

Our “A Day With” gathering is for ministry leaders from different churches and ministries to have a day with one another in order to connect, be encouraged, and grow together. We are excited to welcome guest speaker and lead pastor of Cherry Hills Community Church, Shane Farmer, to lead us this morning. In Session one, Shane teaches on what it looks like to be aware of our need, ask for our need, and be expectant for God to move on our behalf. What is the direct route of answer to our prayers and are we leading from a place of disappointment? (2 Kings 5)

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"Purpose in Suffering" - Micah Kersh

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 26) We live in a dark and sinful world, full of pain and suffering. In the midst of this worldly suffering we are challenged to be steadfast, to have endurance and persistence in the face of these circumstances. It is only through Jesus that we can overcome and by overcoming we fulfill the purpose in suffering. (2 Thes. 1:1-12, 2 Cor. 5)

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"Waiting" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 6) As we enter December, we change our focus from "Kings" to "The King"... Jesus. In Luke 2 we see Simeon & Anna waiting on the Messiah. They were praying, seeking, and fasting. Waiting is an active thing... For it is in seasons of waiting, we often see our biggest transformation. (Mark 1:15, Luke 2)