Lord Show Us The Way (Part 3) We struggle to understand God’s timing, so it’s not just how and where, but when God? This message will encourage you to trust God no matter “when.”
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IF/THEN - Isaiah Werner
Lord Show Us The Way (Part 2) In this week’s message we explore how God uses signs to speak to and encourage His people. We’re reminded that God is always working for good and we’re encouraged to grow in trust and faith as we seek his ways and discern his will.
Read MoreLIVE OUT LOUD - Tim Mannin
From The Inside Out (Part 8). Are you living your faith with an inside voice or an outside voice? This message challenges us to boldly exalt Christ in our everyday life!
Read MoreTREASURE OF MY HEART - Tim Mannin
From The Inside Out (Part 6). Our nature is to pursue a treasure that lives outside of us instead of one that flows from within us. In this message we get real about what rules our heart…God or money.
Read MoreEXPERIENCE JESUS - Tim Mannin
Art of Advent (Part Three). The story of Christmas is an experience! When we really experience what God has done it changes everything.
Read MoreTHE KING IS COMING - Leslie Koch
Art of Advent (Part Two). The birth of Jesus has a lot to teach us about waiting. During Advent we celebrate the birth of Jesus and wait with anticipation for Jesus to come again.
Read MoreHOW WILL THIS BE? - Tim Mannin
Art of Advent (Part One). We begin this series with deep reflection on the wild story of young Mary and her courageous faith. Her story is intended to birth in us a new, daring, and impossible type of living!
Read MoreFAITHFUL IN THE FIRE - Scot Sullivan
Make God Last (Part 3). We continue our series of messages about the final words of Jesus to renew his church. Scot dives deep into the word of perseverance given to God’s suffering church.
Read MoreLIKE A CHILD - Tim Mannin
All For Him (Part 3). In this message we are inspired and encouraged by the brilliant way Jesus leads us to become people who never loose the childlike, wide eyed, awe and wonder of God!
All For Him (Part 1). Have you dismissed the very thing God wants to use or do in you? It’s time to make God first!
Read MoreGETTING THROUGH - Adam Barnett
Guest Teacher, Adam Barnett, teaches on getting through life’s trials and the importance of honesty, perseverance and finding purpose in our pain.
Read MoreTRUE OR FALSE - Tim Mannin
To God’s Exiles (Part 7). In this powerful message we explore the warning in 2 Peter 2 about false teachers and how the battle between what is true and false in our world impacts us every day.
Awe + Wonder (Part 4). Awe and wonder leads to a greater understanding of the fear of God. In this message we explore the beauty and mystery of reverent awe and godly fear.
Read MoreAWE + WONDER - Tim Mannin
In this Easter message we explore the subjects of doubt and faith — which has always been at the core to how people respond to the resurrection of Jesus. It’s the wonder if versus the wonder of God.
Read MoreSEEK FIRST - Kaleb Kinney
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 7). Kaleb wraps up the Make God First series with a powerful teaching from the story of Abraham about trusting God and his promises for our lives.
Read MoreSELL OUT - Tim Mannin
Revival Hope (Part 11). In this message we come face to face with our own courage and call to go all in over and over again…as God continues to go all in and do more than we can imagine.
Read MoreA LOT OF LITTLES - Tim Mannin
REVIVAL HOPE (Part 10). Revival seems like a big thing, but sometimes it’s more about a lot of littles. In this message we explore the powerful truth of our humility and the power of God.
Read MoreDANIEL: LIFE TO THE FULL - Scot Sullivan
Revival Hope (Part 5). Daniel lived a life of consistency in devotion to God and Prayer, and it allowed him to live LIFE TO THE FULL even in the midst of trials.
Read MoreWHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? - Tim Mannin
Revival Hope (Part 4). We all must deal with the question that God asked Elijah, “what are you doing here?” The question is different than we think.
Read MoreSTEP INTO THE RIVER - Tim Mannin
Revival Hope (Part 2). If you want to see God move in power then you have to look for it and you have to step into it. This message is for all of who have hope and need hope! (Joshua 3)
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