
"Jesus is Here" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 32) God has been declaring His love for us and revealing that He has been with us throughout human history, but the moment that Jesus came into the world, it changed everything. His presence brings a celebration of joy, a feeling of peace, a cry of hope, and a gift of love. (Matt. 1:18-22)

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"Joy of Jesus" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 31) Happiness is part of our human desire, but sometimes it’s not as easy as just “choosing” joy. How do we live a life full of joy? Many of us have stories of pain, sadness, and depression, but the word says that in His presence is the fullness of joy… if we desire joy we must seek His presence. (Psalm 118:24, 16:11, Luke 2:8-11, Heb. 12:2, Neh. 8:9-12)

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"Christmas Eve" - Tim Mannin

Emmanuel, God With Us (Week 2) Sometimes we know more about God's presence then we actually feel. Today we are challenged to embrace His presence through the story of His birth and recognizing that the birth of Jesus is a history splitting, movement making, human saving, world shaping moment in history. (Psalm 139, Joshua 1:9, Matt. 28:20, Deut. 31, Isaiah 41:10, Rom. 8:38-39, Luke 2) 

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"Silent Night" - Tim Mannin

Emmanuel, God With Us (Week 1) Throughout history, God has been reminding us that He is with us. From Moses and Joshua to Elijah, He repeatedly proclaims the comfort and peace of His presence in our life. Sadly, His presence is often one of the most ignored things in our life. We seek Him in the big flashy things, but His presence is often found in the silence and the whisper. (Matt. 1:18-23, Isaiah 7:14, I Kings 19:3-13) 

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"LIGHT" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 8) From "Kings" to "The King," We look at the King of the world as "The Light of the World." He came to do something about the darkness of the world. He is the source of life. (John 1, Luke 2) 

"A Humble King" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 7) From "Kings" to "The King," we look at the uniqueness of how Jesus entered the world. He came, not in a grand king-like entrance, but quiet and humbly to a world that He knew would reject Him. What area in your life is lacking this humility? It is in humility that we find rest and peace. (Matt. 1:18-23, Phil. 2:5-11)

"Waiting" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 6) As we enter December, we change our focus from "Kings" to "The King"... Jesus. In Luke 2 we see Simeon & Anna waiting on the Messiah. They were praying, seeking, and fasting. Waiting is an active thing... For it is in seasons of waiting, we often see our biggest transformation. (Mark 1:15, Luke 2)

"The Perfect Gift" - Tim Mannin

The birth of Jesus was a history splitting, monumental, earth shaking moment. The gift of God's Son to us is unlike any gift we have ever received. Do we take this gift for granted? This gift was an exchange, Jesus brought us life, love, hope, grace, peace, and salvation, and in return, He takes on our sin. This is an exchange, a gift, unlike any other. (Luke 1 & 2)

"Doing Things That Matter, With Christmas" - Tim Mannin

Five More: Doing Things That Matter (Part 4) How are we responding to Christmas? We cling to and claim that Jesus is the reason for the season, yet we go on marginalizing his role in our lives. In this Christmas season, we ask ourselves the question, how are we responding to Jesus? Are we doing things that matter with Christmas? (Matthew 2:1-12, Micah 5:2)

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