From The Inside Out (Part 8). Are you living your faith with an inside voice or an outside voice? This message challenges us to boldly exalt Christ in our everyday life!
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FULL SPIRAL - Tim Mannin
In this message we share the exciting news of the next chapter for our church, plus we are encouraged through this picture of not coming full circle, but more like full spiral!
Read MoreHOW WILL THIS BE? - Tim Mannin
Art of Advent (Part One). We begin this series with deep reflection on the wild story of young Mary and her courageous faith. Her story is intended to birth in us a new, daring, and impossible type of living!
Read MoreLIKE A CHILD - Tim Mannin
All For Him (Part 3). In this message we are inspired and encouraged by the brilliant way Jesus leads us to become people who never loose the childlike, wide eyed, awe and wonder of God!
Read MoreINVITED IN - Tim Mannin
All Are Welcome (Part 1). We’ve all felt the pain of being uninvited, unwanted, or unwelcome. We begin a new series of teachings with a powerful encouragement — you’re in!
Read MoreSTEP INTO THE RIVER - Tim Mannin
Revival Hope (Part 2). If you want to see God move in power then you have to look for it and you have to step into it. This message is for all of who have hope and need hope! (Joshua 3)
Read MoreGIFTED - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 4). In God’s making of you he gifted you! Spiritual gifts are one of the ways God shows us his love and invites us into a bigger story. You were made for more!
Read MoreYOU'RE NOT A MACHINE - Tim Mannin
Abide (Part 4). Anyone else feel like a machine being asked to perform, produce, and provide? This sermon explores our greater purpose and how what we say yes and no to is connected to our abiding.
Read More"Deep" - Scot Sullivan
2020. New Year. New Decade. New ____. (Week 3) In this new year, are you staying in the safety of the shallows of your faith and life or are you willing to push out into the deep of who God has called you to be? What areas of your life are you staying content and not stepping out into deeper faith? (Luke 5:1-10, Matt. 22:36-40, Gal. 6:9, John 21:1-7)
Read More"Called Up" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 41) Jesus doesn’t focus on our failures and isn’t content with where we are. He is calling everyone of us into something more. He changes everything about everything and for many of us, we are too afraid to answer the call because we know our life will change. (Matt. 26:33-53, 70-74, John 21)
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