Art of Advent (Part Four). We close our Advent series by going to the origin of God’s promises in Genesis. A promise to withhold nothing back from us, and a hope to be a people who withhold nothing back from God.
Read MoreLiving The Gospel
Grace & Peace (Part Three). Being a faithful follower of Jesus in our politically charged culture is no small endeavor. In this message we thoughtfully explore our biggest political need — more grace and peace.
Read MoreVISION DAY - Tim Mannin
In this message we share some exciting new vision coming this year. We are over the top passionate for the living God and the ways He is moving in and through OKC Community!
Read MoreGO TO THE CITY - Tim Mannin
REVIVAL HOPE (Part 9). The message explores the prophetic meaning from the book of Jonah that calls us to go the city and calls the city to go to the God.
Read MoreTHE PHYSICS OF FIRE - Reward Sibanda
Revival Hope (Part 3). Guest teacher, Reward Sibanda, shares a powerful word on revival and the fire of God. We were created to reflect the form and function of God and revival recalibrates us back to that.
The Parables (Part 7). We close this teaching series with a powerful parable from Luke 18 that reveals how Jesus has done and is everything for us! Christ alone is all we need and want.
AN AI DISCUSSION ON DOS AND DON’TS Jeremie Kubicek guest teaches and utilizes AI technology for a creative discussion on the gospel and how Jesus changes everything.
The Parables (Part 6). In this message we are challenged to consider a parable that shapes our identity through the lens of love in a world where love is not always easy.
Read MoreTHE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS - Kaleb Kinney
The Parables (Part 4). Kaleb teaches from the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus and shares a powerful message on keeping Jesus the main priority of our lives.
Read MoreKEEP THE FIRE BURNING - Celebrating 10 Years!
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 14). In our final week of Fire In Our Hearts we celebrate 10 Years of OKC Community and explore the three elements of a church on fire for Jesus.
Read MoreCUT TO THE HEART - Tim Mannin
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Part 4). We explore the depths of why Jesus had to sacrifice his life, in order to give us life! The power of the gospel cuts straight to the heart.
Read MoreA FRINGY HUMANITY - Tim Mannin
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Pt 1). Many of us find ourselves orbiting around the life God wants for us. We begin a new series of teachings about discovering the heart of faith from the fringes.
Read MoreTHE WIDOW, ORPHAN, AND POOR - Adam Barnett
Every Good Work (Part 5). We welcome guest Adam Barnett to close the Every Good Work series with a powerful truth for all believers.
Fully Devoted (Part 5). Jesus understands those who’ve been betrayed, deserted and denied because he of course experienced all those things. Through the cross we walk in God’s grace and mercy.
Read MorePRACTICING THE WAY - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 11). Jesus ends His sermon on the mount with strong instruction to put into practice the things He has taught. So how do we deal with the gap many of us have between what we know (his teachings) and what we actually do (our practices).
Read MoreWE'RE NOT TRYING TO WIN - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 8). Winning in our culture sometimes feels like the only thing anyone cares about and it’s coming at a high cost. So what happens when we quit trying to win? (Mark 8:34-38)
Read More"Live Worthy" - Tim Mannin
To The City (Week 10) Paul writes in Colossians 1:10 “live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way…” In this message we explore what living worthy of the Lord means for us. God has rescued us by his grace and now our lives must tell the story of what he’s done. (Col 1, Phil 1:27, Eph 4:1, Is 43:19)
Read More"The Kingdom" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He Changed Everything About Everything (Week 1) We begin a new series on Jesus, who He was, and how He changed everything. The Jewish people of that day were looking for an earthly king to rule and reign, but Jesus came and changed everything, including their perspective. What is our current perspective, who do we trust, who rules our life, and who do we worship? (Mark 1:15, 1 Sam. 8, John 17 & 19)
Read More"Tunnels and Theaters" - Kaleb Kinney
Ephesians (Week 1) In the first week of our series on Ephesians, we examine the history behind the city of Ephesus and their incredible transformation to Christianity. The gospel of Jesus is a story of revolution that flips cities upside down. It has the power to change everything and everyone. We must not shrink the story of Jesus down, but shout it out in the theaters of our influence and life. (Eph 1:1-3, Acts 19:23-41, 20:1)
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