Part 1. Most people have asked God, “Lord, show me the way.” We want to know what to do or where to go! In this encouraging message we explore how to discern God’s way.
Read MoreEncouragement
From The Inside Out (Part 7). God wants to give you the desires of your heart! In this message we unpack how we know can know that what we want is what God wants.
Read MoreCHANGE YOUR PANTS - Isaiah Werner
Make God Last (Part 6). In this powerful word from Revelation 3 we explore how God is all about the renewal of his people and invites them to live an active, renewed faith that trades their sin and shame (soiled clothes) for a garment of righteousness.
Make God Last (Part 5). In this powerful word from Revelation 2 we explore how some of the deepest transformation needed in our lives stems from what we’ve tolerated in our life that is ungodly.
Read MoreRENEWED LOVE - Tim Mannin
Make God Last (Part 2). The final words of Jesus in Revelation 2 to renew his church are the words we need today. This is a powerful word for our need and invitation to a renewed love…a lasting love.
Read MoreWHILE WE WAIT - Kaleb Kinney
To God’s Exiles (part 8). We close out our series on 1st and 2nd Peter by exploring Peter’s final call to the exiled people of God; to hold firm in our faith and love those around us like Jesus.
Read MoreGETTING THROUGH - Adam Barnett
Guest Teacher, Adam Barnett, teaches on getting through life’s trials and the importance of honesty, perseverance and finding purpose in our pain.
Read MoreVISION DAY - Tim Mannin
In this message we share some exciting new vision coming this year. We are over the top passionate for the living God and the ways He is moving in and through OKC Community!
To God’s Exiles (Part 5). In this message we explore the rich words of 1 Peter 5 and the powerful invitation to cast our anxiety on God. Some of us have been casting on the wrong side.
Read MoreJESUS THE HUMAN - Tim Mannin
JESUS: Still Changing Everything About Everything (Part 4). When we consider that Jesus embraced human limits in his coming it provides perspective on the gift of embracing our own limits.
Read MoreTHAT'S MY KING - Tim Mannin
JESUS: Still Changing Everything (Part 1). In this powerful message about the Kingdom of God we find the unique and beautiful gift of Jesus!
Read MoreSTEP INTO THE RIVER - Tim Mannin
Revival Hope (Part 2). If you want to see God move in power then you have to look for it and you have to step into it. This message is for all of who have hope and need hope! (Joshua 3)
Read MoreBEARING FRUIT - Billy Patterson
BEARING FRUIT - Guest teacher Billy Patterson explores how abiding in Christ produces fruit in us, encouraging us to love, care, and mentor those around us. We should all aspire to eldership!
Read MoreKEYS OF ABIDING - Tim Mannin
Abide (Part 3). In this message we take a practical look and do a little self assessment with some of the keys to a life that abides.
Read MoreWHAT HAS YOUR HEART - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 7). Many things are competing for your heart, but only God knows how to actually take care of your heart.
A Series About God (Part 3). Fatherhood has been fractured in our world and so many of us need healing. In this message we explore fatherhood and our need to relate to God as Father.
The Book of Luke (Part 13). When Jesus says, “do not worry,” it’s a loving command. Jesus wants to help us come out from under the weight of anxiety and stress and into his confidence and joy.
Read MoreREST IN ADVERSITY - David McPherson
Rest for the Weary (Part 8) David McPherson guest teaches to close our the Rest for the Weary series with a powerful message about finding God in the middle of adversity.
Read MoreWE'RE NOT TRYING TO WIN - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 8). Winning in our culture sometimes feels like the only thing anyone cares about and it’s coming at a high cost. So what happens when we quit trying to win? (Mark 8:34-38)
Read MoreTHE WAY TO COMMUNITY - Tim Mannin
What Now? (Part 3). In the first few pages of Genesis shame and fear become instruments of division between us and God and also between one another. Thankfully, God made a way through the division for authentic community to exist. We all need community more than we know.
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