
"Psalm 34" - Kaleb Kinney

Psalms (Part 2) This week we examine Psalm 34 and what it means to praise God in the difficult times. We look back and remember all that He has done for us, claim confidence in the midst of trials and struggles because we know the ending, and leave with the challenge to seize every opportunity to magnify His name daily. (1 Sam. 21 & 22, Psalm 34)

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"Shine Like Stars" - Tim Mannin

Philippians (Part 5) In the verses we study this morning, we see Paul referencing the Exodus story and how the Israelites complained and grumbled. In so doing, they were so caught up in the mud of their circumstances, that they missed the miracles around them. They had forgotten how far God had brought them. In Paul's letter, he encourages them to stop their grumbling and shine like the stars of the universe. (Philippians 2:14-16)

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Carys & Shalom - Tim Mannin

Philippians (Part 1) This morning we begin a new series on the book of Philippians. In the midst of Paul's imprisonment, we see his attitude and words showing gratitude to the people in his life. When we find ourselves in difficult situations, can we relate to Paul? Perhaps instead of asking, "how can I fix it," maybe the question is, "who am I grateful for?" (Philippians 1:1-11)

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