From The Inside Out (Part 6). Our nature is to pursue a treasure that lives outside of us instead of one that flows from within us. In this message we get real about what rules our heart…God or money.
Read MoreMoney
From The Inside Out (Part 1). We begin a new series with a powerful word. Discover how true transformation starts within as we align our hearts with God and live out our faith authentically and purposefully.
All For Him (Part 1). Have you dismissed the very thing God wants to use or do in you? It’s time to make God first!
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 4). Money is competing for first place in our lives, yet Jesus said, “we cannot serve both God and money.” In this message, we ask God to break the “spirit of mammon” in us, so we can better honor God with all we have.
My Vats Are Brimming (Pt 3). Blessing begins with honor. It’s a privilege to honor God with our lives, what we have, and what we do. We can live as a blessing and in his blessing.
There’s More (Part 4). In our world few things speak more powerfully than generosity! We need more to be a more generous people!
Read MoreTRUSTWORTHY - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 9). Have you been trustworthy with what God has given you? God cares about us and when we trust his ways we become trustworthy to him. (Luke 16:10)
Read MoreYOU NEED YOU TO GIVE - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 8). Understanding what Jesus said about money and giving is an important part of understanding who we are, what we love, & how we trust.
Read MoreHE DID IT AGAIN - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 6). What is the role of memory in our faith? There are some things we are supposed to forget and some things we are supposed to remember. When we remember rightly our faith and our lives we’ll be transformed. (Mark 8:1-21)
Read More"joy (part 4)" - Tim Mannin
joy. (Week 4) A life of joy is a life that loves to give. In this message we explore key teachings from the Bible, plus a few cultural realities when it comes to the subject of giving. (2 Cor. 9:6-8, Matt 6:19-21, Mal. 3:8-10)
Read More"Blessing" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 19) As we listen to stories of God’s faithfulness in the lives of the people of our community, we are encouraged and reminded of the call He has placed on us to give. Giving it all away is a posture of believing God is able. We must sow the seeds and trust that He will spring forth new life when the time is right. (2 Cor. 7:6-8, Mal. 3:8-10, Luke 21:1-4)
Read More"Jesus & Money" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 18) Jesus addressed the issue of finances and giving on many different occasions throughout scripture. We look at his heart for us in how He instructs us to give and the promises that follow. He challenges us to test Him in this area and He will do as He has promised. Do we test Him and trust Him? (Luke 16:10, Matt. 6:24, 22:37, 6:33, Exodus 23:19, Mal. 3:8-10)
Read More"Complete Unity (Vision Sunday)" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 15) We are called to have unity as a church and as a family. In light of this, we use this Sunday to discuss the current state of our church and the vision for the future. What is the next step for our family and where is God leading us? We unite in prayer and believe that He has so much in store for us! (Nehemiah 2:11-18)
Read More"Too Much Of A Good Thing" - Tim Mannin
1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 11) In our final morning in the series 1 John (Love Conquers All), we witness a "drop the mic" moment from John as he encourages us to keep away from idols in his final words of the letter. There are really good things in life that we sometimes elevate into a higher position and it begins to drive our life. If we look to created things to give us hope, love, and happiness, they will eventually break our hearts. (1 John 5:20-21, Rom. 1:21,25, Rev. 2:2-5)
Read More"They Were Generous" - Tim Mannin
The First Church (Part 1) This morning we begin a new teaching series on the early church. We discuss stories in scripture of generosity and what God calls us to be. Who in your life comes first? For many of us, we love God, but struggle to put Him first. The most important thing that we can derive from scripture is that God must come first. (Acts 2:42-46, 4:32-37, Ex. 23:19, Lev. 27:30, Gen. 4:3-5, I Cor. 9:6-8)
Read More"Generous" - Tim Mannin
The Body of Christ (Week 7) Tackling the sometimes difficult topic of giving in the church, we discuss why God created giving, and find that it is not for Himself or His church, but for you and your heart. What are we giving and have we been faithful with what we have been given? (Luke 16, Gen. 4, Mal. 3)
Read More"Give It All Away" - Tim Mannin
Generous: becoming a generous people (part 3) In our final week of the generous series, we learn to approach life as "everything we have is a gift from God, and potentially a gift to others." Our money, our time, our talents, our wisdom... are we holding onto too much? Paul describes churches and people who have little, yet cheerfully give for the sake of the gospel, what can we learn from them? (2 Cor. 8, 9 - Acts 10, 11, 13, 15, 17 - Matt. 6)
"Let's Build A Church" - Tim Mannin
Generous: becoming a generous people (part 2) If we say we love God, we must first love His bride. Being generous isn't just about giving in order to receive a blessing, but about loving and trusting the Father. We heard 2 great stories from people in our community who are living this example out. Collectively as a body we desire to become a generous people and we were so excited to announce this morning our plan to donate our church's tithe to the building of a brand new church in Kenya. More details to come! (Luke 21, Malachi 3:8-10, Leviticus 27:30)
"Let God Be First" - Tim Mannin
Generous: becoming a generous people (part 1) We begin our new series about the idea of becoming a generous people with the premise that God did not create giving for Himself and His benefit, but instead... He created giving, for you. He created opportunities for you to put Him first in your life above your possessions and income. Ultimately, He calls you to test Him and trust Him when it comes to giving. (Luke 16:10-15, Proverbs 3:9, Malachi 3:6-10, Leviticus 27:30, Exodus 23:19, Genesis 4:3-5)
"Doing Things That Matter, With Money" - Tim Mannin
Five More: Doing Things That Matter (Part 3) This is a discussion that challenges us all on where our heart is at when it comes to our finances and resources. This is a perspective shift on how we view what God has given us. Have we been trustworthy with what we have been given? (Luke 16:10-15, Matthew 6:21, 2 Cor. 8:8-14)