Lord Show Us The Way (Part 3) We struggle to understand God’s timing, so it’s not just how and where, but when God? This message will encourage you to trust God no matter “when.”
Read MoreStruggle
From The Inside Out (Part 5). Part of living from the inside out is about facing our inner struggles and relying on the Holy Spirit to help us overcome our struggles.
Read MoreFIRM FOUNDATION - Kaleb Kinney
From The Inside Out (Part 2). Living From the Inside Out means we must start with a firm foundation. Jesus gives us a blueprint on how to build our foundation through his teachings and invites us to put his words into practice.
Read MoreHEART OF HEARTS - Tim Mannin
From The Inside Out (Part 1). We begin a new series with a powerful word. Discover how true transformation starts within as we align our hearts with God and live out our faith authentically and purposefully.
Read MoreHOW WILL THIS BE? - Tim Mannin
Art of Advent (Part One). We begin this series with deep reflection on the wild story of young Mary and her courageous faith. Her story is intended to birth in us a new, daring, and impossible type of living!
Read MoreBREAK THE BATTLE - Tim Mannin
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 5). Do you have a habit, struggle, addiction or battle that you want to break? In this message we explore how to welcome God’s power into our battles.
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 4). Money is competing for first place in our lives, yet Jesus said, “we cannot serve both God and money.” In this message, we ask God to break the “spirit of mammon” in us, so we can better honor God with all we have.
The Book of Luke (Part 13). When Jesus says, “do not worry,” it’s a loving command. Jesus wants to help us come out from under the weight of anxiety and stress and into his confidence and joy.
Read MoreREST IN ADVERSITY - David McPherson
Rest for the Weary (Part 8) David McPherson guest teaches to close our the Rest for the Weary series with a powerful message about finding God in the middle of adversity.
Read MoreTHE OVERWHELMED LIFE - Scot Sullivan
Rest for the Weary (Part 2). In a world filled with noise and information overload, Jesus offers us another way to find rest for our souls and minds if we are willing to choose it.
Read MoreLIVING WITH HIM AS LORD - Kaleb Kinney
The Art Of Living (Part 5). How can we choose to live with faith no matter what our circumstances look like? Kaleb walks us through the story of Joseph and what it looks like to live with Jesus as Lord.
Read MoreFEAR MARKS THE SPOT - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 5). Jesus has paved a way of life for us that isn’t controlled by fear, worry, or anxiety; instead he flips those things on their heads and fear can be the catalyst to propel us instead of the snare that stops us.
Read MoreTHROUGH THE BATTLE - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 2). We all face spiritual battles, none of us are immune, and knowing the way through the battle is one of the keys to living well. The way through begins with giving God his battle back…He always fights for you!
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