From The Inside Out (Part 5). Part of living from the inside out is about facing our inner struggles and relying on the Holy Spirit to help us overcome our struggles.
Read MoreThe Mind
THE NEW MIND - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 3). In this powerful message we learn and are encouraged from Ephesians 4! In Christ we are being made new, but the old life isn’t completely gone — so what do we do about that?
Read MoreGOD MADE - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 1). It’s popular to prescribe to the self-made narrative, but when we connect with the miracle of our created self (inside and out) we grow more dependent on who made us.
Read MoreTWO BIRDS, ONE STONE - Tim Mannin
Better Than A Bird (Pt 2). We get stuck in the spin cycle of worries because we’re stuck in our need for comfort. We have to learn how to grow through our worries. Growth is greater than comfort!
Read MoreOUT OF THE CHUNNEL - Tim Mannin
Unspoken (Pt 3). In the final message of Unspoken we explore the question: how do the dreams and callings that are deep within us come out of hiding?
Read MoreUNDER THE SURFACE - Tim Mannin
Under The Surface (Pt 2). This sermon unpacks our fears that live under the surface and work to stop us. Sometimes the only way forward is to go deeper.
Unspoken (Pt 1). We begin a series on the power of vulnerability. This journey begins inward into the places only God knows about us.
Read More"Running The Race" - Scot Sullivan
To The City (Week 3) Are we running the race of life aimlessly and without purpose? Are we thriving or surviving? This morning we discuss simple and practical ways to grow our relationship with Jesus and run the race that God has set before us. (1 Cor. 9:24-27, Gal. 5:27, Heb. 10:23-25)
Read More"Renew Your Mind" - Tim Mannin
To The City (Week 2) The battlefield of the mind is a daily reality for so many. How can we find daily renewal and transformation? In this message we explore what scriptures teach us about the mind. (Rom 12:1-2, 8:6, 7:22-25, 1 Pet 1:13-15, 5:8-11)
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