From The Inside Out (Part 4). In this message we explore the depths of relational needs and how a wall of shame and fear prevent us from authentic community…but once again God has good news for us.
Read MoreForgiveness
Make God Last (Part 8). In this powerful message we are challenged by the call of Jesus beyond our lukewarm tendencies, yet we are also met with the invitation of our gracious God who continually knocks on the door of our heart.
Revival Hope (Part 12). In our final message of the series we return to the story of Jonah to ask ourselves a prophetic question.
Read MoreGO TO THE CITY - Tim Mannin
REVIVAL HOPE (Part 9). The message explores the prophetic meaning from the book of Jonah that calls us to go the city and calls the city to go to the God.
Revival Hope (Part 8). In this message we explore the bizarre story of Jonah and the difficult, but freeing journey of giving and receiving forgiveness.
Read MoreHE RAN FIRST - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 14). As sons and daughters of God we have so much to experience from the depth and way our heavenly Father loves. Jesus gives us a glimpse in Luke 15.
Read MoreSPIRITUAL FAMILY - Tim Mannin
Live The Values (Part 6). God has given us the gift of spiritual family. Therefore, we trust spiritual family as better way to live and must reject the notion of an individualized faith.
Fully Devoted (Part 5). Jesus understands those who’ve been betrayed, deserted and denied because he of course experienced all those things. Through the cross we walk in God’s grace and mercy.
Read MoreHE DID IT AGAIN - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 6). What is the role of memory in our faith? There are some things we are supposed to forget and some things we are supposed to remember. When we remember rightly our faith and our lives we’ll be transformed. (Mark 8:1-21)
Read MoreTHE WAY TO COMMUNITY - Tim Mannin
What Now? (Part 3). In the first few pages of Genesis shame and fear become instruments of division between us and God and also between one another. Thankfully, God made a way through the division for authentic community to exist. We all need community more than we know.
Read More"Live To Please God" - Tim Mannin
To The City (Week 11) Thessalonians urges us to live in a way to please to God (4:1). We should begin our efforts to please him where Paul often begins his letters…with grace and peace. We all need grace and must give more grace. We all need peace and we must be peacemakers. (1 Thes 1:1, 3:2-3, 4:1)
Read More"Let Me Refresh Your Memory" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 12) This morning we read of Peter's reminder in 2 Peter chapter 1. He implores us to remember that God has given us everything we need to live a godly life and forgiven us of our sins. If you are in need of a fresh breath from The Spirit, be reminded today of what He has done. (2 Peter 1, Eph. 3, John 3)
Read More"The Story Behind The Story" - Tim Mannin
Wells (Part 5) When Jesus met the woman at the well, there was extreme significance in where they were. The Jewish people and the Samaritans were at odds, but Jesus was the bridge between them. He saw the bigger story behind the story and knew that if the gospel and reconciliation was for all people. Who in your life do you need to forgive? Who in your life have you hurt or mistreated? (John 4, Acts 1:8, Acts 9:31)
Read More"Guard Love" - Tim Mannin
1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 2) John shows us a narrative of love and keeping the commandments of Jesus. We must pay attention to the moments when love is not easy, when it doesn't come naturally. Guarding love is about saying "I'm not going to love when it's just an easy thing, I am going to love in all situations." The gospel is advanced when we chose to love in the difficult situations. Love will conquer all. (1 John 2:1-7, John 13:34-35, 15:12)
Read More"Prodigal" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 9) In the story of the Prodigal Son, we often think of it as a story about the two sons, but this story shows us the un-conditional love of the father. What a great reminder to hear that God's love is not earned, but merely received. (Luke 15:11-32, 1 Cor. 13:13, Eph. 3:16-19)
Read More"Cephas" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings from the Gospels (Part 3) Life is full of ups and downs and the life of Peter (Cephas) may be one of the best examples of learning what to do when you find yourself in the down moments. Some of the moments from Peter's life that mattered the most where the ones he chose to run to Jesus after his lowest low. (Various Scriptures from Peter's Life + John 20:1-10, John 21:1-9).
Read More"Releasing Prisoners" - Adam Barnett
Being Human (Part 4) This morning we happily welcome guest speaker Adam Barnett as he discusses forgiveness. When we chose to forgive, we are setting a prisoner free... and that prisoner is ourself. Just one act of forgiveness can change an entire generation. (Acts 7, Romans 7:15, Mark 11:25)
Read More"The Cross, Part One" - Tim Mannin
The Cross (Part 1) On this Palm Sunday morning, we begin our 3 week series on "The Cross." The death of Christ, brought everlasting life. It is often death that brings life in other areas as well. What sin in our life do we need to die to, in order that we may have life to the full? (Matt. 21:1-11, Mark 15:15-39, Luke 9:23, John 10:10)
"Grace" - Tim Mannin
Grace, Mercy, and Peace (Part 2) Looking into 1 Timothy and the life of Martin Luther King Jr. we see that grace is the way to transformation, for it is hate that breeds hate. Grace is like a gentle day or a whisper, never aggressive and always unconditional. Who in your life do you need to show grace to? (1 Tim. 1:12-17)
"Pouring It All Out" - Ryan Moore
Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Matthew (Part 9) Do the actions in our life represent the words that we say? It is easy for us to fulfill tradition in order to be a "good Christian," but when we see the opportunity to live out the gospel, do we pour it all out just as the woman did in Matthew 26? (Matthew 12, 26)