
"The Cross, Part Three" - Tim Mannin

The Cross (Part 3) There is wonder in creation, it proclaims who He is. Who is God in your life? We often treat Him as though He is common, but He is beyond description. Therefore, if we follow an uncommon God, we should lead an uncommon life. (John 21:4-14, Luke 9:18-20) 

"The Cross, Part Two" - Tim Mannin

The Cross (Part 2) Gathering together for an Easter celebration, we ask the question, "What does the cross mean to you?" The cross is for all people, of all nations, all colors, all ages, and all walks of life. The cross isn't just about a church or a religion, it's about your life. The story of the cross is still being told, in you. (1 Cor. 1:18, John 20:1-8)

"The Cross, Part One" - Tim Mannin

The Cross (Part 1) On this Palm Sunday morning, we begin our 3 week series on "The Cross." The death of Christ, brought everlasting life. It is often death that brings life in other areas as well. What sin in our life do we need to die to, in order that we may have life to the full? (Matt. 21:1-11, Mark 15:15-39, Luke 9:23, John 10:10)

"Hope (Part 2)" - Tim Mannin

Hope (Part 2) We celebrate Easter and conclude our series on "Hope" this morning. In His power there is hope. Far too often we embrace the things we love about Him, (power, grace, comfort, etc.) but push aside the things that He has called us to do. We must follow all He has called us to do and be. (Rev. 1, Matt. 28)

"Hope (Part 1)" - Tim Mannin

HOPE (Part 1) The first message in our two part Easter series entitled "Hope." The story of Matthew 26 can seem bleak, but underneath the denial and betrayal of Jesus we see His ultimate purpose and sacrifice. It is through the one true Messiah that we now have hope.  (Matthew 26, 1 Peter 1)