
"The Work" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 40) Jesus leads us to engage with him in the work of prayer, the work of the Spirit, the work of the Church, and the work of joy. We join this work by leaning into what God is doing and faithfully fixing our eyes on Jesus. We must ready ourselves for a new work in us, around us, and through us. (Eph 4:11-13, Rom 14:17-18, Hebrews 12:2-11)

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"Jesus is Here" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 32) God has been declaring His love for us and revealing that He has been with us throughout human history, but the moment that Jesus came into the world, it changed everything. His presence brings a celebration of joy, a feeling of peace, a cry of hope, and a gift of love. (Matt. 1:18-22)

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"Joy of Jesus" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 31) Happiness is part of our human desire, but sometimes it’s not as easy as just “choosing” joy. How do we live a life full of joy? Many of us have stories of pain, sadness, and depression, but the word says that in His presence is the fullness of joy… if we desire joy we must seek His presence. (Psalm 118:24, 16:11, Luke 2:8-11, Heb. 12:2, Neh. 8:9-12)

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"Jesus Is For You" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 16) Jesus is for you and has never stopped believing in you, even if you've stopped believing in yourself. This morning's message focuses on Jesus encountering Peter in the midst of his failure and pursuing him. He heals our shame, changes our focus, and gives us a new direction. (John 21:15-22, 22:55-62)

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"Breakthrough" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 13) Jesus didn't want a wall between heaven and earth, He prayed "on earth as it is in Heaven." We are so afraid of stepping in to the the "more" of God, because we don't know what it will bring, so we allow the walls of our life to stay up. God's love is pouring out and breaking down walls all around us. (Mark 7:5-14, 1 Thes. 5:16-18) 

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"Joy of Salvation" - Kaleb Kinney

Drenched (Week 4) There is a joy available to you, a joy that can not be explained. Because of the Salvation that is found in Jesus, we can now have a joy in all situations. Even though we may experience major trials and pain, there is a joy that He gives to us through many different things such as The Holy Spirit, other believers, and belonging to the Kingdom. (Rom. 15, James 1, Gal. 5, Acts 13) 

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"A Well On A Well" - Tim Mannin

Wells (Part 2) Sometimes we are too focused on the "right way" to do religion and we lose sight of the joy of following Jesus and digging deeper into God. He is so much bigger than religion. We must let go of the societal pressures and arguments of religion and dive into our relationship with God with total freedom and joy. (John 4, Proverbs 3:9)

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