From The Inside Out (Part 8). Are you living your faith with an inside voice or an outside voice? This message challenges us to boldly exalt Christ in our everyday life!
Read MoreEvangelism
JESUS EATS - Tim Mannin
All For Him (Part 2). In this powerful message we tap into and feel the radically welcoming nature of Jesus who eats with sinners. All are welcome in God’s family!
Read MoreWHILE WE WAIT - Kaleb Kinney
To God’s Exiles (part 8). We close out our series on 1st and 2nd Peter by exploring Peter’s final call to the exiled people of God; to hold firm in our faith and love those around us like Jesus.
Read MoreDELIGHTED TO SHARE - Tim Mannin
All Are Welcome (Part 2). Why is sharing Jesus something that most of us are either not interested in doing, not good at doing, or afraid to do? In this message we explore everything from eating chicken, biblical missional theology, and our potential to delight in sharing!
Read MoreGO TO THE CITY - Tim Mannin
REVIVAL HOPE (Part 9). The message explores the prophetic meaning from the book of Jonah that calls us to go the city and calls the city to go to the God.
Read MoreEXTRAVAGANT LOVE - Tim Mannin
Live The Values (Part 3). This message unpacks our value of Extravagant Love. Now more than ever people need love! This is who we long to be and how we long to live.
Read MoreA SURPRISING MISSION - Craig Springer
Live The Values. People aren’t looking for evidence about God, they’re longing for an experience with God. Craig Springer from Alpha USA shares a powerful message about reaching people.
Read MoreREACHING PEOPLE - Tim Mannin
Live The Values (Part 2). To reach people we have to share our lives with people, This message unpacks how we do this.
Live The Values (Part 1). We begin the Live The Values series with an important and timely message about our vision as people and as a church.
Read More"Now is the Time" - Tim Mannin
To The City (Week 6) We continue our To The City series with a message unpacking exciting news about our future and what God has next for us in our city! 2 Cor 6:2 says, “now is the time...” and nothing can feel more consistent to the work God is doing among us! (2 Cor. 6:1-2)
Read More"Bringing Life" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 42) Jesus commissions his people to go and do what He did, to make disciples. We can’t pray for more mighty works of God without actually doing what Jesus has called us to do. We must pay attention to our life and realize that the people and places that we intersect with everyday are brimming with potential to bring life to our city. (Luke 4:43, Luke 10, Matt. 28:18-20, 2 Cor. 6:11-13)
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