Part 1. Most people have asked God, “Lord, show me the way.” We want to know what to do or where to go! In this encouraging message we explore how to discern God’s way.
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FULL SPIRAL - Tim Mannin
In this message we share the exciting news of the next chapter for our church, plus we are encouraged through this picture of not coming full circle, but more like full spiral!
Read MoreVISION DAY - Tim Mannin
In this message we share some exciting new vision coming this year. We are over the top passionate for the living God and the ways He is moving in and through OKC Community!
Read MoreJESUS THE HUMAN - Tim Mannin
JESUS: Still Changing Everything About Everything (Part 4). When we consider that Jesus embraced human limits in his coming it provides perspective on the gift of embracing our own limits.
Read MoreYOU'RE NOT A MACHINE - Tim Mannin
Abide (Part 4). Anyone else feel like a machine being asked to perform, produce, and provide? This sermon explores our greater purpose and how what we say yes and no to is connected to our abiding.
The Art Of Living (Part 4). The beginning of every great work of art starts with vision.
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