The Book of Luke (Part 10). In life we all have ups and downs with our faith. In this message we explore what a life of great faith looks like.
Read MoreTRUSTWORTHY - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 9). Have you been trustworthy with what God has given you? God cares about us and when we trust his ways we become trustworthy to him. (Luke 16:10)
Read MoreYOU NEED YOU TO GIVE - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 8). Understanding what Jesus said about money and giving is an important part of understanding who we are, what we love, & how we trust.
Read MoreTHE MIRACLE WORKER - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 7). The ministry of Jesus invites to takes steps of faith over our fear and doubts. What miracle do you hope God will do?
Read MoreYOU CAN'T SHAKE THIS - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 6). With life comes hardships and challenges that can shake us to the ground, but Jesus shows us a way to build an unshakable life on the rock.
Read MorePREPARE THE WAY - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 5). If you are hungry for God to move in your life you must prepare the way for God to move! Spiritual renewal begins with preparation and priority.
Read MoreTHE OVERFLOW - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 4). How do we seek the overflowing presence of God? Luke 2 tells the story of an ordinary man who overflowed with the Holy Spirit and how it happened.
Read MoreTHE GIFT - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 3). Luke chapter 2 tells the story that changed the world. May the gift of Jesus impact your heart, mind, and soul in powerful ways.
Read MoreNAMES - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 2). In Luke 1 Mary is told by the angel to name her son, Jesus. Additionally, there are over 200 other names and titles assigned to Jesus. We can call on the NAMES of Jesus!
Read MoreUNEXPECTED - Tim Mannin
The Book of Luke (Part 1). We begin our new series in Luke 1 and story of God using unexpected people to be a part of miraculous things.
Read MoreREST IN ADVERSITY - David McPherson
Rest for the Weary (Part 8) David McPherson guest teaches to close our the Rest for the Weary series with a powerful message about finding God in the middle of adversity.
Rest for the Weary (Part 7) Rest is impossible without gratitude. We continue slowing down into rest by considering the profound impact of giving thanks in a life with God.
Read MorePRAY CONTINUALLY - Scot Sullivan
Rest for the Weary (Part 6) We will find rest when we treat prayer more like a lifestyle than a task. Scot teaches on a life of prayer through the life of David.
Read MoreREJOICE ALWAYS - Tim Mannin
Rest for the Weary (Part 5). We must rejoice in order to rest…but how do we rejoice when we don’t fee like it. Rejoicing is less about how we feel and more about what we repeat.
Rest for the Weary (Part 4). Guest speaker, Mel Hiett continues our series with a powerful message from Matthew 9 about the potential of a rested life.
Read MoreHONEST ABOUT REST - Tim Mannin
Rest for the Weary (Part 3). Jesus made a way that is easy and light, but it doesn’t always feel that way. It’s time to get honest about this, most of us aren’t resting.
Read MoreTHE OVERWHELMED LIFE - Scot Sullivan
Rest for the Weary (Part 2). In a world filled with noise and information overload, Jesus offers us another way to find rest for our souls and minds if we are willing to choose it.
Rest for the Weary (Part 1). God has a purpose and design for rest, but we keep messing it up leaving ourselves weary, bored, and empty. Thankfully, Jesus came to show us the way!
Live The Values (Part 7). In this final part of the Live The Values series we deep dive our core value of doing things that matter. What are you going to do today that matters?! (Luke 5:1-11).
Read MoreSPIRITUAL FAMILY - Tim Mannin
Live The Values (Part 6). God has given us the gift of spiritual family. Therefore, we trust spiritual family as better way to live and must reject the notion of an individualized faith.
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