The Art Of Living (Part 7). We conclude this series with a message from Mark 8:1-21. We keep forgetting the forrest for the trees.
Read MoreIT'S NOT NOTHING - Tim Mannin
The Art Of Living (Part 6). Sometimes the little we have can feel like we have nothing, but God has given us all we need.
Read MoreLIVING WITH HIM AS LORD - Kaleb Kinney
The Art Of Living (Part 5). How can we choose to live with faith no matter what our circumstances look like? Kaleb walks us through the story of Joseph and what it looks like to live with Jesus as Lord.
The Art Of Living (Part 4). The beginning of every great work of art starts with vision.
Read MoreFREE TO LIVE - Tim Mannin
The Art Of Living (Part 3). In Acts 12 we find a story for all of us about unexpected prisons we encounter in life and the freedom God wants to give us. You are free to live!
The Art Of Living (Part 2). God has created us to create. Through Jesus we are given blank canvas opportunities to create life… we can’t miss them!
Read MoreIT BEGINS AS CLAY - Tim Mannin
The Art Of Living (Part 1). The art of living begins as clay in the loving hands of our Heavenly Father. He’s the artist, we are the art, and he has a plan.
Read MoreTHE WIDOW, ORPHAN, AND POOR - Adam Barnett
Every Good Work (Part 5). We welcome guest Adam Barnett to close the Every Good Work series with a powerful truth for all believers.
Read MoreYOUR GREATEST WORK - Tim Mannin
Every Good Work (Part 4). We all long for Jesus’ promise of life to the full and our pursuit of the great life must become a journey towards great obedience.
Read MoreWHO AM I GOING TO BE TODAY? - Tim Mannin
Every Good Work (Part 3). We have consistent inconsistencies and every day can feel like a battle over who we are going to be. Yet, God intends to increase his good works in and through us - we have a destiny to fulfill.
Read MoreTAKE THE LID OFF - Tim Mannin
Every Good Work (Part 2). We must take the lid off of our growth! We can easily slip into a maintenance mindset instead of a movement mindset. In order for God to work in and through us He must grow us.
Read MoreEVERY GOOD WORK - Tim Mannin
(Part One). Every good work starts with Jesus! We have the honor of joining God in his good work while also being the recipient of his good work. (Matt 9:35-10:8)
AUTHENTIC CHURCH - Christie + Tim Mannin
James (Part 5). An authentic church knows how to help one another. Tim and Christie share a message of hope from James 5, plus some of their own story during a time of need.
Read MoreAUTHENTIC HUMILITY - Scot Sullivan
James (Part 4). Are you living a life devoted to yourself? Pastor Scot challenges us this morning with a powerful message about what our actions say about who we’re living for and how we can begin to live life humbly devoted to God. (James 3-4)
Read MoreAUTHENTIC WORDS - Tim Mannin
James (Part 3). God gave you the ability to speak for a purpose. We must use our words to authentically express what’s in our hearts. (James 3:3-12)
Read MoreAUTHENTIC ACTIONS - Leslie Koch
James (Part 2). It is not enough to just say what we believe, our actions must be an authentic reflection of those beliefs. Our faith will be seen by the rest of the world through how we live our lives as followers of Jesus. (James 2)
Read MoreAUTHENTIC FAITH - Tim Mannin
James (Part 1). The “false self” is real for many of us, but the “authentic self” is who we long to become. The book of James calls us to an authentic faith that never forgets who we were created to be. (James 1)
Read MoreYES YOU ARE - Tim Mannin
Grace and peace over you as you watch/ listen to this powerful Easter gathering declaring the good news of Jesus and making our personal “Yes You Are” declaration to God!
Fully Devoted (Part 5). Jesus understands those who’ve been betrayed, deserted and denied because he of course experienced all those things. Through the cross we walk in God’s grace and mercy.
Fully Devoted (Part 4). We are constantly looking for better, yet everything that was once better eventually becomes worse. A fully devoted life rests in the only thing in life that keeps on getting better. (Fully Devoted Devotional)
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