Fully Devoted (Part 3). Scot teaches us how to grow ability to hear the voice of God. The scriptures remind us it begins with relationship — the truly devoted will know His voice (John 10). (Fully Devoted Devotional)
Read MoreGOD HAS YOU - Tim Mannin
Fully Devoted (Part 2). God has you in a world that is aiming to control you — God is there helping every step. Before we ever had the idea to be fully devoted to Him…He was fully devoted to us. ( Fully Devoted Devotional).
Read MoreWORTHY OF IT ALL - Tim Mannin
Fully Devoted (Part One). We kick off a new teaching series with the cultural and personal question and dilemma — “Am I worthy of it all or is God worthy of it all?” (also check out the accompanying Fully Devoted Devotional).
Renewal (Part 7) Our world struggles with things like FOMO, FOBO, and FODA (all fears related to commitment issues) yet the most important step in renewal may be found in our courage to commit.
Renewal (Part 6) God is looking for people who know they are small and surrender to Him with all they have, so He can use them in the biggest of ways. (Is 62:6-7, Mark 14:6-9)
Read MoreMAKE ROOM (a.k.a. Preparing for Renewal) - Tim Mannin
Renewal (Part 5) We can’t create renewal, but we can make room for the new… we can prepare. If renewal comes upon unprepared hearts it will simply wash away.
Renewal (Part 4) What happens in us when a wave of God’s renewal comes rushing in — do we put the sea walls up? How do we move from protecting from to welcoming in renewal?
Read MoreWORSHIP RENEWAL - Scot Sullivan
Renewal (Part 3) We all want to see the renewal of our heart, mind and soul. Listen to this message by Scot on how worship is a pivotal part of renewal.
Read MoreWHAT IS RENEWAL? - Tim Mannin
Renewal (Part 2) How do we position / posture ourselves for renewal? It’s time to read the room and to pay attention to the what’s happening in the world around us, the crises we’ve faced, and the history of how renewal comes.
Read MoreTHE TIDE IS COMING - Tim Mannin
Renewal (Part 1). Renewal begins with acts of intention and passion. Mary’s example in Mark 14 shows us how an act of passion captures the attention of Jesus.
Read MoreCHANGING OUR WAYS - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 17). Some change happens to us and some change happens because of us. As we close 2020 it’s time to acclimatize to the changes and new work Jesus wants to do in the new year ahead of us .
Read MoreTHE GOOD NEWS - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 16) + Advent Wk 4. Jesus is the good news that will bring great joy to all people! This morning we celebrate the Christmas story and take time to remember all God has done for us.
The Way of Life (Part 15) + Advent Wk 3. Are you trying to merge two systems of life that essentially are incompatible? That’s a big question….perhaps the core question of this series and it might take a little thought before you just say, “I’m good.”
Read MoreQUIETLY WAITING - Christie + Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 14) + Advent Wk 2. Christie and Tim share a message together about the peace and goodness we find in a life that practices the ways of being still, quiet, and patient. We all need this more than we know.
Read MoreHOPE HAS A NAME - Scot Sullivan
The Way of Life (Part 13) + Advent Wk 1. No matter what is happening around us, what we face or how we feel…we can find hope through Jesus even in the midst of chaos.
The Way of Life (Part 12). Today’s culture greatly influences what we want day to day. As followers of Jesus we must find the way through the prevailing culture’s ways in order to tap into our most holy and meaningful desires.
Read MorePRACTICING THE WAY - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 11). Jesus ends His sermon on the mount with strong instruction to put into practice the things He has taught. So how do we deal with the gap many of us have between what we know (his teachings) and what we actually do (our practices).
Read MoreSO CLOSE, YET SO FAR - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 10). So many of us experience spiritual doubts, distance, or failure. In those moments we feel so far away. Jesus understands and shows us that spiritual renewal and breakthrough is always closer than we think. (Mark 9:14-29)
Read MoreWHO DO YOU SAY I AM? - Leslie Koch
The Way of Life (Part 9). Leslie shares from Matthew 16:13-16 about the most pivotal question in the gospels that we can easily shift into the wrong perspective. We must get this one right!
Read MoreWE'RE NOT TRYING TO WIN - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 8). Winning in our culture sometimes feels like the only thing anyone cares about and it’s coming at a high cost. So what happens when we quit trying to win? (Mark 8:34-38)
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