The Way of Life (Part 7). A declaration of Jesus Is Lord shapes who we are and creates an uncommon way of life where lordship is expressed in abiding. (John 15:1-11)
Read MoreHE DID IT AGAIN - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 6). What is the role of memory in our faith? There are some things we are supposed to forget and some things we are supposed to remember. When we remember rightly our faith and our lives we’ll be transformed. (Mark 8:1-21)
Read MoreFEAR MARKS THE SPOT - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 5). Jesus has paved a way of life for us that isn’t controlled by fear, worry, or anxiety; instead he flips those things on their heads and fear can be the catalyst to propel us instead of the snare that stops us.
Read MoreTHE UPSIDE DOWN WAY - Scot Sullivan
The Way of Life (Part 4). We are encouraged throughout life to rise to the top, but Jesus’ way of success or greatness is opposite of what we’re told. Jesus redefines the way we must lead our lives.
Read MoreTHROUGH THE ROOF - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 3). The powerful story of Mark 2 shows us the way to Jesus isn’t always the conventional way. Conviction and calling doesn’t always mean paved pathways and open doorways… his ways break through to the unexpected.
Read MoreTHROUGH THE BATTLE - Tim Mannin
The Way of Life (Part 2). We all face spiritual battles, none of us are immune, and knowing the way through the battle is one of the keys to living well. The way through begins with giving God his battle back…He always fights for you!
Read MorePREPARE THE WAY - Tim Mannin
THE WAY OF LIFE (Part 1). At the beginning of the ministry of Jesus we see the words, “prepare the way of the Lord.” We all have a way of life and a way of doing things, so how do we stay ready and prepared for His way?
Read MoreWE'RE ON A MISSION - Tim Mannin
What Now? (Part 4). There are things in life that we must do and places we must go. Jesus shows us how doing the work of the Father is what he had to do….his mission is what he fed on. We must live with the same mission!
Read MoreTHE WAY TO COMMUNITY - Tim Mannin
What Now? (Part 3). In the first few pages of Genesis shame and fear become instruments of division between us and God and also between one another. Thankfully, God made a way through the division for authentic community to exist. We all need community more than we know.
What Now? (Part 2). How you pray, if you pray, and what you pray shapes the trajectory of your life. This message is an encouragement to our prayer and faith life as we also launch 3 days of non-stop prayer as a church.
Read MoreWHAT NOW? - Tim Mannin
Now is the time for the Church (all believers) to step into the vision God has prepared and positioned us for. God is on the move…and he has something for everyone who’s ready to go where He leads.
Read MoreGOD STILL HEALS - Tim Mannin
Heal Our Land (Part 10). We’ve put our hope in God to heal our land, to heal our nation, and world — but perhaps it’s you that needs healing. God still heals people as an act of his presence, love, and power.
Read MoreUNSTUCK - with David Skidmore
Heal Our Land (Part 9). There are times in life (especially in this season) where we feel stuck…unable to move forward or get where we want to be. Our friend and guest David Skidmore shares some needed spiritual encouragement to help us get unstuck.
Read MoreOVERCOMING FEAR + PRIDE - Jeremie Kubicek
Heal Our Land (Part 8). Fear and pride are the tools that the enemy uses to divide us as Sons and Daughters of God. We must begin to lay down our fear and pride at the foot of the cross to experience healing in our life and the life of our nation.
Read MoreFAITH & EXPECTATIONS - Scot Sullivan
Heal Our Land (Part 7). What is our expectation of God? If we live with big expectations of Him, we will see big things. Our level of faith is directly related to the level of our expectations.
Read MoreLET THEM HEAR - Tim Mannin
Heal Our Land (Part 6). We must listen. The Spirit speaks, so whoever has ears let them hear. In a time of unprecedented noise and in a world that’s crying out — we must listen.
Heal Our Land (Part 5). Perhaps more than ever the world is telling how to see and perceive things. It’s a critical time for believers to build our lives from kingdom reference points and an eternal perspective.
Heal Our Land (Part 4). The early church is the prime example of God’s plan to use people who are seemingly ordinary to carry out his extraordinary purpose. Our world needs healing and God will work in and through his people as he always has…we must be ready.
Heal Our Land (Part 3). Special guest, friend, and pastor Dan Thomas joined us for a timely conversation to lean into this cultural moment and discuss racism, the call upon the Church, and a way forward together.
Read MoreIF MY PEOPLE - Tim Mannin
Heal Our Land (Part 2). “If my people…” are the first three words of the amazing 2 Chronicles 7:14 passage where God calls us to grab ahold of four things as the people of God in times of needed healing and continued hope for revival.
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