To God’s Exiles (Part 2). As we continue to dive into God’s call for us to live differently than the world around us - we take a look at suffering and how God moves through suffering in our lives.
Read MoreYOU'VE BEEN EXILED - Tim Mannin
To God’s Exiles (Part 1). We begin a series through 1+2 Peter with a powerful encouragement of the living hope we have in Christ. You really can live so different that you make a difference.
Read MoreFOLLOW THE GROOVE - Leslie Koch
Living In The Groove (Part 3). The world we live in runs at triple speed, but Jesus invites us to follow his groove and live a life with a mixture of action, rest and seeking God’s presence.
Read MoreFEEL THE GROOVE - Tim Mannin
Living In The Groove (Part 2). In this message we explore the relationship between our emotions, our faith, and our worship. He’s in all the notes of life, up and down!
Read MoreFIND YOUR GROOVE - Tim Mannin
Living In The Groove (Part 1). This message kicks off a 3 week series about our rhythms with God. Life with God works like joining his song; we find his beat and learn his notes and add to the story.
Read MoreGOD WILL MAKE A WAY - Tim Mannin
Awe + Wonder (Part 6). When we face circumstances where “there’s no way” we have to remember God is the way maker. In Luke 7, Jesus powerfully demonstrates how He is the way when there was no way.
Read MoreSTRONG LIKE JESUS - Tim Mannin
Awe + Wonder (Part 5). Do you feel strong? Weak? Jesus was strong, bold, and at times he was even terrifying! In this message we explore the often underestimated power that lives in us. We can be strong like Jesus!
Awe + Wonder (Part 4). Awe and wonder leads to a greater understanding of the fear of God. In this message we explore the beauty and mystery of reverent awe and godly fear.
Read MoreAWE + WONDER - Tim Mannin
In this Easter message we explore the subjects of doubt and faith — which has always been at the core to how people respond to the resurrection of Jesus. It’s the wonder if versus the wonder of God.
Read MoreTHE LAMB IS THE GOAT - Tim Mannin
Awe + Wonder (Part 2). As we approach Holy Week we explore the powerful story of Jesus and his atoning work for us. Plus we talk lambs, dead goats, and dusty goats.
Read MoreDISRUPT YOUR NORMS - Tim Mannin
Awe + Wonder (Part 1). What will you do today, so that in the coming days, weeks, and months you won’t miss the awe and wonder of God? In part one of this series we set the stage for God to disrupt us.
Read MoreFILL THE EMPTY - Tim Mannin
All Are Welcome (Part 3). In this message we explore the heaviness of emptiness. Many people struggle to be fulfilled, yet that is the the very reason Jesus has come — to fill the empty and declare all welcome.
Read MoreDELIGHTED TO SHARE - Tim Mannin
All Are Welcome (Part 2). Why is sharing Jesus something that most of us are either not interested in doing, not good at doing, or afraid to do? In this message we explore everything from eating chicken, biblical missional theology, and our potential to delight in sharing!
Read MoreINVITED IN - Tim Mannin
All Are Welcome (Part 1). We’ve all felt the pain of being uninvited, unwanted, or unwelcome. We begin a new series of teachings with a powerful encouragement — you’re in!
Read MoreSEEK FIRST - Kaleb Kinney
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 7). Kaleb wraps up the Make God First series with a powerful teaching from the story of Abraham about trusting God and his promises for our lives.
Read MoreGOD'S PEOPLE, LOVE PEOPLE - Scot Sullivan
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 6). How are you doing at loving all people? In this message Scot distinguishes the way Jesus prioritized and loved people — which changes everything!
Read MoreBREAK THE BATTLE - Tim Mannin
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 5). Do you have a habit, struggle, addiction or battle that you want to break? In this message we explore how to welcome God’s power into our battles.
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 4). Money is competing for first place in our lives, yet Jesus said, “we cannot serve both God and money.” In this message, we ask God to break the “spirit of mammon” in us, so we can better honor God with all we have.
Read MoreWE GET TO GIVE - Tim Mannin
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 3). In this message we look at the story of first tithe in the scriptures (Genesis 14) and learn that giving is a response to God’s blessing. Plus, we hear a powerful testimony from the Kinney’s.
Read MorePRAY FIRST - Tim Mannin
MAKE GOD FIRST (Part 2). Often we worry first, or work first, rather than pray first. This message not only inspires us to pray first, but we look at the prayer of Jabez as a powerful way we can pray.
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