Made (Part 5). In this final message of Made we lean all the way in to who God made us to be, but just as importantly, who we are NOT made to be!
Read MoreGIFTED - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 4). In God’s making of you he gifted you! Spiritual gifts are one of the ways God shows us his love and invites us into a bigger story. You were made for more!
Read MoreTHE NEW MIND - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 3). In this powerful message we learn and are encouraged from Ephesians 4! In Christ we are being made new, but the old life isn’t completely gone — so what do we do about that?
Read MoreLET IT GO - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 2). God promises to pull you into who he made you to be…so what do we do when we feel chained to our past in a way that limits our future.
Read MoreGOD MADE - Tim Mannin
Made (Part 1). It’s popular to prescribe to the self-made narrative, but when we connect with the miracle of our created self (inside and out) we grow more dependent on who made us.
The Parables (Part 7). We close this teaching series with a powerful parable from Luke 18 that reveals how Jesus has done and is everything for us! Christ alone is all we need and want.
Read MoreBEARING FRUIT - Billy Patterson
BEARING FRUIT - Guest teacher Billy Patterson explores how abiding in Christ produces fruit in us, encouraging us to love, care, and mentor those around us. We should all aspire to eldership!
AN AI DISCUSSION ON DOS AND DON’TS Jeremie Kubicek guest teaches and utilizes AI technology for a creative discussion on the gospel and how Jesus changes everything.
The Parables (Part 6). In this message we are challenged to consider a parable that shapes our identity through the lens of love in a world where love is not always easy.
The Parables (Part 5). Scot teaches from the parable of the mustard seed in Matthew 17 and challenges us to have faith that will move the mountains in our lives.
Read MoreTHE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS - Kaleb Kinney
The Parables (Part 4). Kaleb teaches from the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus and shares a powerful message on keeping Jesus the main priority of our lives.
Read MoreTHE POWER OF CHOICE - DeWayne Walker
The Parables (Part 3). In this message exploring the parable of the prodigal son we’re reminded that God has prepared a table for us. We can sit at that table with great confidence knowing that our firm foundation is based in Christ’s immeasurable love, grace, and plan for us.
Read MoreGET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY - Leslie Koch
The Parables (Part 2). Jesus teaches us to pray with shameless audacity and persistency, but often times we don’t. We must get out of our own way in order to live a bold and audacious prayer life.
Read MoreUNFAIR GRACE...BUT I'M OKAY WITH IT - David McPherson
The Parables (Part 1). David McPherson teaches on the parable of the vineyard workers from Matthew 20 and shares an encouraging and challenging message on the un-earnable grace of God.
Read MoreBE WITH JESUS - Tim Mannin
Abide (Part 6). In John 15, Jesus deepens his conversation from the illustration a vine and branches to love and friendship. He invites us into a way of friendship that is best described as being with him.
Read MoreLIFE ON THE BRANCH - Tim Mannin
Abide (Part 5). We are abiding in the conversation of abide. As branches, God wants to produce more fruit through us, so how does that work?
Read MoreYOU'RE NOT A MACHINE - Tim Mannin
Abide (Part 4). Anyone else feel like a machine being asked to perform, produce, and provide? This sermon explores our greater purpose and how what we say yes and no to is connected to our abiding.
Read MoreKEYS OF ABIDING - Tim Mannin
Abide (Part 3). In this message we take a practical look and do a little self assessment with some of the keys to a life that abides.
Read MoreA CASE STUDY OF DANIEL - Kaleb Kinney
Abide (Part 2). Kaleb walks us through the life of Daniel and shares a powerful message about abiding even when it may cost us.
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