Fire In Our Hearts (Part 3.) Through Acts we see a repeated theme, “and the Lord added to their number.” Growth is a part of God’s purpose for our lives and for God’s Church…so how do we do it?
Read MoreONE HEART + ONE MIND - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 2). We begin our journey in the book of Acts and immediately are struck by a faith that is united, bold, and costly. God has more for you!
Read MoreTURN UP THE HEAT - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 1). We are starting 2023 declaring this year is all for him! We begin a new series that will explore and encourage our passion for Christ.
Read MoreGOD IS HERE - Tim Mannin
A Series About God (Part 4). Christmas is more than tradition and celebration, rather it is our annual reminder that God is here to be our hope, peace, love, and joy.
A Series About God (Part 3). Fatherhood has been fractured in our world and so many of us need healing. In this message we explore fatherhood and our need to relate to God as Father.
Read MoreGOD THE HEALER - Tim Mannin
A Series About God (Part 2). In this message we work to answer three questions: 1. What does the Bible say about healing? Does healing happen today? How do we pray for healing?
Read MoreGOD'S RESTING PLACE - Tim Mannin
A Series About God (Part 1). The bible says that we are the resting place of God’s Spirit. We begin a new series with a powerful word about the Holy Spirit.
My Vats Are Brimming (Pt 3). Blessing begins with honor. It’s a privilege to honor God with our lives, what we have, and what we do. We can live as a blessing and in his blessing.
Read MoreTHE TIMING OF BLESSING - Kaleb Kinney
My Vats Are Brimming (Pt 2) In week 2 of our series on blessing, we explore how God works and blesses in the midst of trial. Wrestling with the question; where is God when my vats don’t feel full?
Read MoreNEW WINE - Tim Mannin
My Vats Are Brimming (Pt 1). We begin a new series about blessing. Sometime’s the new thing is difficult to perceive as God’s new blessing. What is keeping you from receiving the new blessing?
Read MoreCUT TO THE HEART - Tim Mannin
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Part 4). We explore the depths of why Jesus had to sacrifice his life, in order to give us life! The power of the gospel cuts straight to the heart.
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Part 3). Concepts of eternity are poorly shaped by cultural portrayals of heaven and hell, therefore we must consider what did Jesus actually say about eternal life?
Read MoreTAKE THAT STEP - Tim Mannin
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Part 2). Your life is the story of steps you take and don’t take. God invites you into the adventure and life only he can give, but it requires you to take that step!
Read MoreA FRINGY HUMANITY - Tim Mannin
Orbiting A Beautiful Life (Pt 1). Many of us find ourselves orbiting around the life God wants for us. We begin a new series of teachings about discovering the heart of faith from the fringes.
Better Than A Bird (Part 6). In our final week of Better Than A Bird Scot helps us understand a life of a non-anxious presence is found in His presence.
Read MoreTHE PEACE INDEX - Jeremie Kubicek
Better Than A Bird (Part 5). Jeremie walks us through a few practical steps on how to partner with Jesus, manage our emotions and find inner peace in a world of chaos.
Read MoreWHAT'S GOOD? - Tim Mannin
Better Than A Bird (Part 4). In this message we explore the source of a non-anxious presence…peace. Peace dwells on what is good, finished, secure, and worthy of stopping and seeing…every day.
Read MoreTHE WEIGHT OF WORRY - Tim Mannin
Better Than A Bird (Pt 3). What weight, burden, worry, or anxiety are you carrying that is too heavy? 1st Peter 5:7 says, cast our anxieties on God…in this message we explore how to do that.
Read MoreTWO BIRDS, ONE STONE - Tim Mannin
Better Than A Bird (Pt 2). We get stuck in the spin cycle of worries because we’re stuck in our need for comfort. We have to learn how to grow through our worries. Growth is greater than comfort!
Read MoreSTRONGHOLD - Tim Mannin
Better Than A Bird (Pt 1). What are you worried about? We begin a new series about having a non-anxious presence in a world of worry. This message considers your strongholds…and how God must be your greatest stronghold.
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