Abide (Part 2). Kaleb walks us through the life of Daniel and shares a powerful message about abiding even when it may cost us.
Read MoreANTI-ABIDE CULTURE - Tim Mannin
Abide (Part 1). In part 1 of this series we explore the concept of biblical abiding and the contrast of our culture that is bent towards the opposite of abiding.
Read MoreLOVED - Tim Mannin
We wear a lot of labels in life, none better than, I am loved. The story of Easter is the ultimate expression of God’s love for us.
Read MoreKEEP THE FIRE BURNING - Celebrating 10 Years!
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 14). In our final week of Fire In Our Hearts we celebrate 10 Years of OKC Community and explore the three elements of a church on fire for Jesus.
Read MoreBORN IN PRAYER - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 13). As we begin 10 Days of Prayer we explore and celebrate the powerful story of prayer in the scriptures and in our church! Now is the time to pray!
Read MoreHE'S HIM - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 12). Jesus came and declared that He was I AM (YHWH). He not only claimed it, He demonstrated it, and today we receive the blessing and impact that He’s Him!
Read MoreWHAT DOES LOVE REQUIRE? - Scot Sullivan
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 11). In Mark 14 we witness one of the most extravagant acts of love in the scriptures and it calls us to consider; what does love require?
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 10). A life that desire’s to do things that matter for the kingdom will end up at the edge of a boat…over and over again. Jesus bids us to come!
Read MoreNEVER + ALWAYS THIRSTY - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 9). A fire in our hearts will also mean a hunger and thirst in our souls. The powerful encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well show us a faith that is never, yet always thirsty.
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 8). In Mark 10 Jesus asks, “What do you want me do for you?” In this message we explore how Jesus moves through this question in our own lives.
Read MoreWHAT HAS YOUR HEART - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 7). Many things are competing for your heart, but only God knows how to actually take care of your heart.
Read MoreTHE POWER OF THE OUGHT - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 6). Building the fire in our hearts will be accompanied by saying yes to what ought to be in our lives.
Read MoreAFTER SUDDENLY - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 5). The powerful story of Paul’s sudden and shocking conversion in Acts 9 is about so much more than one moment and one person, it’s about all that came after, including us.
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 4). In Acts 10 we encounter a story of epic breakthrough that required stepping across a new threshold. We too are in a season breaking through new thresholds!
Read MoreNUMBERS DON'T LIE - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 3.) Through Acts we see a repeated theme, “and the Lord added to their number.” Growth is a part of God’s purpose for our lives and for God’s Church…so how do we do it?
Read MoreONE HEART + ONE MIND - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 2). We begin our journey in the book of Acts and immediately are struck by a faith that is united, bold, and costly. God has more for you!
Read MoreTURN UP THE HEAT - Tim Mannin
Fire In Our Hearts (Part 1). We are starting 2023 declaring this year is all for him! We begin a new series that will explore and encourage our passion for Christ.
Read MoreGOD IS HERE - Tim Mannin
A Series About God (Part 4). Christmas is more than tradition and celebration, rather it is our annual reminder that God is here to be our hope, peace, love, and joy.
A Series About God (Part 3). Fatherhood has been fractured in our world and so many of us need healing. In this message we explore fatherhood and our need to relate to God as Father.
Read MoreGOD THE HEALER - Tim Mannin
A Series About God (Part 2). In this message we work to answer three questions: 1. What does the Bible say about healing? Does healing happen today? How do we pray for healing?
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