"Deep" - Scot Sullivan

2020. New Year. New Decade. New ____. (Week 3) In this new year, are you staying in the safety of the shallows of your faith and life or are you willing to push out into the deep of who God has called you to be? What areas of your life are you staying content and not stepping out into deeper faith? (Luke 5:1-10, Matt. 22:36-40, Gal. 6:9, John 21:1-7)

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"Certain Hope" - Scot Sullivan

2020. New Year. New Decade. New ____. (Week 1) As we begin a new year and a new teaching series, we look to the future and examine our hope and our faith. What does it look like to couple our hope and faith together? What are you hoping for in 2020? What are you putting your faith into in 2020? Hope has a name… Jesus. (2 Sam. 7, Heb. 11:1, Matt. 17, Jer. 29:11, 1 Pet. 1)

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"Eyes On Jesus" - Tim Mannin

To The City (Week 13) We close our “To The City” teaching series in Hebrews 12 with a powerful encouragement about endurance. We all have times that we want to stop, give in, or take a step back from the race God has called us to, but it’s in these times that we must “keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” (Heb 12:1-3, Heb 11, Mat 14:28-31)

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"Trust God" - Tim Mannin

To The City (Week 12) The letters to Timothy remind us that no matter what we are facing in life - overwhelming good, overwhelming bad, or someplace in between we must trust God. Our faith must mature into trust, but so often we find ourselves crying to God for clarity. Maybe we don’t need clarity, but need to trust him no matter what. (1 & 2 Timothy)

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"A Prayer For The Church & The City" - Tim Mannin

To The City (Week 8) In this message we explore the hope and good news of Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3 for the Church (and each of us). We are encouraged that God, out of his glorious riches and his unlimited love, is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or even imagine. This prayer is for anyone who is hopeful, discouraged, hungry, hurting, eager, empty, passionate, or somewhere in the middle. (Eph. 3:14-21)

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"The Most Excellent Way" - Tim Mannin

To The City (Week 4) In this message we talk about one of the most important themes of 1 Corinthians… the gifts of the Spirit. There is an undeniable connection between the gifts of the Spirit and the love of God. Gifts are nothing but a clanging cymbal without love – however, there is an excellent way that we can follow! (1 Corinthians 12 & 13, 14:1, 12, Romans 12:6-8) 

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"Strong and Weak" - Tim Mannin

To The City (Week 1) We begin our new series in the book of Romans, where we find the paradoxical relationship between our strength and weakness. So many of us want to walk in the authority of Jesus (as more than conquerors), yet our weaknesses and vulnerabilities grab ahold of us with surprising strength. In this message we explore the possibilities of a life that is strong and weak. (Rom 8:35-39, Rom 12:3, 2 Cor 12:9-10, 1 Tim 6:19).

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"We All Have A Story " - Scot Sullivan

This morning we hear Scot Sullivan’s story of the incredible and miraculous power of God in his life. Facing death and losing hope, he was continually remind that God was with him and would never leave him. Through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, God is always with us. Sometimes it is hard to see God’s hand working in our story, but no matter where you’re at in your story… He is with you. (Gen. 39:2-21, Hab. 3:17-19, Jer. 29:11-13)

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"God Cares" - Tim Mannin

Revival Starts Within (Week 8) Within all of us reside questions, doubts, struggles, and the weight of our past. If we’re honest, many of us feel far from revival and closer to confusion. In this message we want to absorb the amazing thought that “God cares.” He understands you and is big enough for the hard stuff happening within you. And because He cares, He has so much more for you! (Gen 1:26-27, Phil 1:6, Mark 9:20-29)

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