Bringing Life To Our City (Part 2) There is a dominate thread throughout the course of Scripture... and that is, God is on a mission. We must focus on the narrative of Scripture, seeing the big picture of who we are becoming and how we fit into the mission of God. It is about our entire life, not just what we call out "spiritual life." (Romans 12:1-2)
Read More"The Whole Story" - Tim Mannin
Bringing Life To Our City (Part 1) We begin a new teaching series by examining the story of God and what we are doing as a church to fit into it. What does it mean to bring life to our city and what foundational ideas must occur as we look forward to who we will become over the next ten years? Consider this idea or message as part 1 of a much bigger conversation that includes: Your Life, Our City, Jesus, and the Church. (2 Corinthians 6)
Read More"Human Joy" - Tim Mannin
Being Human (Part 5) The root of true joy is found in our identity. We must remember who we were created to be. When we place our identity in careers, friends, or finances, we will at some point lose that joy. Where does your identity lie? (Psalm 23, John 16:22, Rom. 15:13, Gal. 5:22, 2 Cor. 6:1-13, Acts, 16:34)
Read More"Releasing Prisoners" - Adam Barnett
Being Human (Part 4) This morning we happily welcome guest speaker Adam Barnett as he discusses forgiveness. When we chose to forgive, we are setting a prisoner free... and that prisoner is ourself. Just one act of forgiveness can change an entire generation. (Acts 7, Romans 7:15, Mark 11:25)
Read More"Gospel-Centered Humanity" - Tim Mannin
Being Human (Part 3) The topics we bring up and discuss are often the things that we love the most. Is the gospel at the center of our conversations? What does it look like to live a gospel-centered life? (John 1:1-14, Phil. 2:2-11)
Read More"Loving One Another" - Kaleb Kinney
Being Human (Part 2) We cannot reach the lost outside of our walls if we are not first loving those close to us. Fifty-nine times in Scripture we are commanded to love one another. In order to be the church, we must first be able to love and serve one another. (John 13)
Read More"A Rhythm of Rest" - Tim Mannin
Being Human (Part 1) This morning we begin a new series on what it means to be human. We can all agree that there is something more about being human than just being alive. Over the next few weeks we will be discovering and discussing these complexities. This morning we tackle the issue of busyness, neglecting rest and what effects that has on our relationship with God and our soul. (Psalm 23, Isaiah 58:13-14)
Read More"Strong and Courageous, Part Four" - Tim Mannin
Each of our families are unique and different, and no matter what role you play in your family, we have been challenged to carry out the mission of Jesus. We all own the role of creating the culture in our family, and this morning we ask for strength and courage to do so. (Joshua 24)
Read More"Strong and Courageous, Part Three" - Tim Mannin
When did we start believing that God wants to send us to safe places to do safe things? This morning we learn from the example of Rahab and the spies sent into Jericho. It doesn't matter who you are or what you've done... God sees the infinite possibilities in you. (Joshua 2)
Read More"Strong and Courageous, Part Two" - Tim Mannin
When the waters parted at the Jordan river, there was first a step before the miracle took place. Lift up your eyes and see the rivers around you. What is God asking you to take a step into? Whatever your river is, God can do something with it. Take a step into His promises. (Joshua 1, 3)
Read More"Strong and Courageous, Part One" - Tim Mannin
As we begin our new series on the book of Joshua, we look at the challenge facing Joshua and the promise that God gave him. Many of us feel like God can not use us because we are not ready. However, God isn't looking for you to be prepared, he is looking for you to be willing. (Joshua 1:1-11)
Read More"God With Us" - Tim Mannin
The Body of Christ (Week 8) "God with us" isn't intended to be a comforting statement, it is intended to awaken the reality of life beyond the everyday monotony of survival. (Acts 3, Romans 8)
Read More"Generous" - Tim Mannin
The Body of Christ (Week 7) Tackling the sometimes difficult topic of giving in the church, we discuss why God created giving, and find that it is not for Himself or His church, but for you and your heart. What are we giving and have we been faithful with what we have been given? (Luke 16, Gen. 4, Mal. 3)
Read More"The Church is a Movement" - Tim Mannin
The Body of Christ (Week 6) We are part of a movement. The Church is the most significant and powerful movement in the history of the world. We see examples of the apostles allowing their faith to cost them. Are we willing to pay the same price? Are we willing to stand? (Acts 5, 2 Corinthians 11)
Read More"Becoming The Body" - Kaleb Kinney
The Body of Christ (Week 5) As a church, we are called to be the body. We must all value ourselves as equal in our roles within this body, for it is His church and His kingdom that we are advancing. What is it within the body that you are called to do? (Romans 12:1-21)
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