"Place & Passion in the Body" - Tim Mannin

The Body of Christ (Week 3) We talk about serving in the church, but rarely talk about the spiritual gifts. We ask for energy, devotion, and love, but don't ask "who are you becoming" or "what are your spiritual gifts?" We must not reduce ourselves to small meaningless existence in the Body of Christ. Everyone matters and is needed. (1 Cor. 12:1-7, 12:24-27, 14:1, Eph 4:11-16, Mark 10:42-45, John 14:12-17)

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"The Gospel Divides" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Luke (Part 7) The gospel is complicated and is transcendent above the differences we possess in life and personality. Is there a right way to live the gospel? Is there a wrong way to live it? Ultimately, it doesn't matter who you are, but rather, what path you are on. What are you compromising on in your life that could pull you from the narrow path? (Luke 24:36)

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"Hope House OKC" - Tim Mannin & Brandy Romine

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Luke (Part 6) This morning we had the great opportunity to hear powerful stories about what one of our partners (Hope House OKC) is doing in our community. Breaking the cycles of poverty and homelessness, one life at a time. (Presented by one of our members Brandy Romine) 

"Give Him No Rest" - Kaleb Kinney

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Luke (Part 5) In living out the gospel we must never give up! James teaches that we do not have because we do not ask. Let us labor together in prayer for the lives and hearts of those around us. (Luke 16:19-26, Isaiah 62:6-7, James 4:2) 

"Open Table" - Nate Kinney 

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Luke (Part 4) Who is it that we look at like our neighbor? Is society telling us that it is ok to stereotype someone and hate them because they are different? We must be a church for both the sinners and the saints. What would it be like if we never labeled someone, but instead welcomed ALL to the table? (Luke 10:25-37)

"Deeper Waters" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Luke (Part 2) This morning we examine the story of Peter and his famous fishing trip. Sometimes our nets in life come up empty, however, our heavenly Father always sees us and will step into our boat in order to fill the empty spaces in our life. (Luke 5)

"The Great Wall" - Tim Mannin 

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of Luke (Part 1) In society, we build walls and tell God where He can and can't go. Living the gospel deconstructs walls and carries the good news of Jesus everywhere we go. (Luke 5:27-32, 6:6-11)

"Walk By The Spirit" - Tim Mannin 

Dream Wildly (Part 6) Many of us think of God's will as a balance beam that we are one mis-step away from falling off of. However, living in God's will is more about walking by the Holy Spirit in your everyday life. Instead of worrying about "someday," how are we submitted to the Holy Spirit today? Walk by the Spirit and it will lead you into the dreams that God has for you. (Gal. 5:25, Acts 1:8, 2 Sam. 6, 1 Cor. 2:9, Phil 1:6)

"The Body Of Christ" - Tim Mannin

Dream Wildly (Part 5) Just as children grow as they get older, we too as the body of Christ must continue to hunger and thirst for God as we grow in our spiritual maturity. As a church, we must all be dreaming about what it means to live into our potential within the body. (Eph. 4:11-16, Psalm 63:1-8, Matt 5:6, Romans 12:4-5)