"Follow Your Dream" - Tim Mannin

Dream Wildly (Part 4) Sometimes we can look alive and be dying inside. In these moments we are often afraid and focus on what we don't know rather than what we do know. It is in fear that we limit the limitless one. Live awake, be wide awake for what God has for you. (Jer. 1:5, Phil. 1:6, James 1:23-25, 4:17, 1 John 3:18, Rev. 3:2, Joshua 14:7-12)

"Crushed Dreams" - Tim Mannin

Dream Wildly (Part 3) What sin in your life is your Achilles heel? It can be the smallest of things that crush our dreams, but God gives us the strength to stand firm and to overcome the enemy. (Heb. 12:1, 1 Pet. 5:5-8, Phil. 4:8, 1 Cor. 10:13, Rev. 16:20)

"Your Dream" - Tim Mannin

Dream Wildly (Part 2) Your dreams must begin with God's will, but we often feel as though we are searching for the needle of God's will in the haystack of life. However, living in God's will is less about what you do and more about who you are. (1 Thes. 5, Rom. 12, 1 Peter 2, Matt 6, Gal. 5, John 3) 

"His Spirit Poured Out" - Tim Mannin

Dream Wildly (Part 1) Beginning a new series on dreams and what it means to discover them, we start with God's dream for us as believers to experience His love and power. His Spirit is here and ready to be poured out. It is time to turn from our inherited expectations and allow His Spirit to give us new dreams, new perspectives, and new possibilities. (Acts 2:12-32) 

"Storms and Answers" - Kaleb Kinney

In the middle of the difficulties of life, we often ask the question "why" and feel as though God is not coming through for us. In the story of Job, we are reminded of God's faithfulness and provision. He speaks in the midst of the storm. (Job 39, 40) 

"The Cross, Part Three" - Tim Mannin

The Cross (Part 3) There is wonder in creation, it proclaims who He is. Who is God in your life? We often treat Him as though He is common, but He is beyond description. Therefore, if we follow an uncommon God, we should lead an uncommon life. (John 21:4-14, Luke 9:18-20) 

"The Cross, Part Two" - Tim Mannin

The Cross (Part 2) Gathering together for an Easter celebration, we ask the question, "What does the cross mean to you?" The cross is for all people, of all nations, all colors, all ages, and all walks of life. The cross isn't just about a church or a religion, it's about your life. The story of the cross is still being told, in you. (1 Cor. 1:18, John 20:1-8)

"The Cross, Part One" - Tim Mannin

The Cross (Part 1) On this Palm Sunday morning, we begin our 3 week series on "The Cross." The death of Christ, brought everlasting life. It is often death that brings life in other areas as well. What sin in our life do we need to die to, in order that we may have life to the full? (Matt. 21:1-11, Mark 15:15-39, Luke 9:23, John 10:10)

"I Am Sam" - Nate Kinney

The Days Of Judges (Part 3) There are times when we are called by God to do or say difficult things. In these moments, it is often easy to run from this calling and claim it wasn't God. But we see from the story of Samuel and Eli that it is often the first step that is the most difficult. Take heart, you are equipped for what He has called you to. (Judges 1, 3)

"You're Ready" - Tim Mannin

The Days Of Judges (Part 2) We all want to experience the powerful miracles of God, but we steer clear of the opportunities because of the fear, insecurity, and doubt in our hearts. However, it is in these places that His miracles often take place. We cannot claim to be faithful and yet, lack courage. (Judges 6,7) 

"Too Many Camels" - Tim Mannin

The Days Of Judges (Part 1) Beginning our new series, we see the cycle of the Israelites in the time of the Judges. Peace, Sin, Pain, Crying Out, and Deliverance. What are we sowing in our lives that we do not want to reap? What are we sowing that we do want to reap? (Judges 2:16-14, 6:1-6)

"Who Are We Becoming?" - Tim Mannin

LIFE: and our hope for good (Part 4) It is very easy in the church not to own "we," but instead look at "they" and "you guys." There is a big difference between watching from the seats and playing on the field. Who are WE becoming as a church? (1 Cor. 9:19-27)

"Restoring Good" - Tim Mannin

LIFE: and our hope for good (Part 3) How are you changing the world for good? We all have "the moment" in life when we encounter an injustice but continue on with normal life. You may feel that you have very little to give, but along side the master, we can restore the good. (Gen. 3:15-19, Nehemiah 1) 

"Heavy" - Tim Mannin

LIFE: and our hope for good (Part 2) There is a battle for your life. Often we feel overwhelmed and overworked in all areas of our existence. Even though the enemy is working and we can feel the weight of the world on our shoulders, it is in actuality, our creator who holds the world in his hands. (Lam. 3:22-23, John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:6-11, Matthew 7:13-14)

"Peace" - Tim Mannin

Grace, Mercy, and Peace (Part 3) We often think of peace as the absence of something (stress, busyness, chaos, etc.) however, peace in the Father is the presence of something. (comfort, compassion, hope, safety, wholeness, favor, completion, and joy). What area of your life do you need peace? (Psalm 23, Phil. 4:4-7)

"Grace" - Tim Mannin

Grace, Mercy, and Peace (Part 2) Looking into 1 Timothy and the life of Martin Luther King Jr. we see that grace is the way to transformation, for it is hate that breeds hate. Grace is like a gentle day or a whisper, never aggressive and always unconditional. Who in your life do you need to show grace to? (1 Tim. 1:12-17)

"Wonder and Awe" - Kaleb Kinney

Over the years we can lose the sense of joy and wonder that came when we first experienced salvation, but there are a world of people out there who are desperate for us to be living in wonder and awe of the endless possibilities in Christ. (John 5:1-15, Eph 1:7-8)

"I Am" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 9) From "Kings" to "The King," we wrap up our "Kings" series by looking at the seven "I Am" statements of Christ. Kingship is about realizing that He is EVERYTHING. (John 19:12-16, Exodus 3, John 6:35, 8:12, 10:9, 10:11, 11:25)