"LIGHT" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 8) From "Kings" to "The King," We look at the King of the world as "The Light of the World." He came to do something about the darkness of the world. He is the source of life. (John 1, Luke 2) 

"A Humble King" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 7) From "Kings" to "The King," we look at the uniqueness of how Jesus entered the world. He came, not in a grand king-like entrance, but quiet and humbly to a world that He knew would reject Him. What area in your life is lacking this humility? It is in humility that we find rest and peace. (Matt. 1:18-23, Phil. 2:5-11)

"Waiting" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 6) As we enter December, we change our focus from "Kings" to "The King"... Jesus. In Luke 2 we see Simeon & Anna waiting on the Messiah. They were praying, seeking, and fasting. Waiting is an active thing... For it is in seasons of waiting, we often see our biggest transformation. (Mark 1:15, Luke 2)

"A Promise And A Mule" - Ryan Moore

Kings (Part 5) Continuing our "Kings" series, we read about how Solomon became king and the trust he had in David's promise. Sometimes when you're in need of a miracle, all you can do is pray God's promise back to Him, trust in His timing, His faithfulness, and never lose hope. (1 Kings 1:5-49)

"Broken Crowns" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 4) Looking into the life and reign of Solomon as king, we see that he lived with a divided heart and it resulted in a divided kingdom. What are we loyal to in our life? What are we devoted to? Are we living a divided life? (1 Kings 11:3-13) 

"Chasing Lions" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 3) This morning we look into the kingship of David and his trusted "Mighty Men." We see from their example that they were very brave and very loyal to their king. In our life today, do we show those same characteristics? When you think the world is against you and you're all alone, remember, The Lord is with you. (1 Chronicles 11:10-25, 2 Chronicles 16:9)

"Prophets & Spears" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 2) In the 2nd week of our "Kings" Series, we look at the life of the first king of Israel, Saul. In our life, we have "Saul-like" moments, where we speak prophecy in one moment and throw spears in the next. How do we remain consistent? How do we avoid those moments of tripping up? The answer is found in dependency on Jesus. (1 Samuel 19, Matthew 19:14) 

"We Want To Be Like Them" - Tim Mannin

Kings (Part 1) Today we began our new series "Kings." We will spend the next few weeks looking back into the lives of the Jewish Kings and seeing what God is telling us about our own lives and how we live. This morning we examine who we're choosing as king in our life, do we want what others want, and why we compare ourselves with others. Are we willing to leave the predictable and safe in order to jump from the high-dive into the endless possibilities of what God has for us? (1 Samuel 8:1-21)

"This is Real" - Tim Mannin

With God: growing with Him (Part 4) You have a God who wants to and can do miracles in your life. He wants to be present and be with you. Are you determining where and how God is in your life or is your life determining it for you? (Isaiah 61:1-4, Eph. 3:20-21, John 10:10, 2 Chronicles 7:14)

"The Pursuit of God" - Nate Kinney

With God: growing with Him (Part 3) Whether it be Wile E. Coyote or The Great Gatsby, there are stories of pursuit all around our daily lives. How do we see this pursuit in our relationship with God? How can we know God, but at the same time chase after Him? What does it look like to pursue God? ... It is to pursue love. (Gen 12:1, Ex 3:17, Ex 13:11, Matt 7:7, 1 John 4:7-12) 

Have We Forgotten What Jesus Has Done? - Tim Mannin

With God: growing with Him (Part 2) God can do immeasurably more than we could ask for, but the decision of who we are and who we are becoming is up to us. The things we put our energy and effort in are where we see increase in our measure. Do we live a life that has forgotten what Jesus has done? (Psalm 84:2, Eph 3:17-21, 2 Peter 1:3-15)

"He Is With Us... Are We With Him?" - Tim Mannin

With God: growing with Him (Part 1) As we begin our series on growing our intmacy with God, we look at the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. Often times we work so hard to earn God's favor rather than realizing that He just wants us to be with Him. (Luke 15, Psalm 139)

"Give It All Away" - Tim Mannin

Generous: becoming a generous people (part 3) In our final week of the generous series, we learn to approach life as "everything we have is a gift from God, and potentially a gift to others." Our money, our time, our talents, our wisdom... are we holding onto too much? Paul describes churches and people who have little, yet cheerfully give for the sake of the gospel, what can we learn from them? (2 Cor. 8, 9 - Acts 10, 11, 13, 15, 17 - Matt. 6)

"Let's Build A Church" - Tim Mannin

Generous: becoming a generous people (part 2) If we say we love God, we must first love His bride. Being generous isn't just about giving in order to receive a blessing, but about loving and trusting the Father. We heard 2 great stories from people in our community who are living this example out. Collectively as a body we desire to become a generous people and we were so excited to announce this morning our plan to donate our church's tithe to the building of a brand new church in Kenya. More details to come! (Luke 21, Malachi 3:8-10, Leviticus 27:30) 

"Let God Be First" - Tim Mannin

Generous: becoming a generous people (part 1) We begin our new series about the idea of becoming a generous people with the premise that God did not create giving for Himself and His benefit, but instead... He created giving, for you. He created opportunities for you to put Him first in your life above your possessions and income. Ultimately, He calls you to test Him and trust Him when it comes to giving. (Luke 16:10-15, Proverbs 3:9, Malachi 3:6-10, Leviticus 27:30, Exodus 23:19, Genesis 4:3-5)

"A Lot of Little's" - Tim Mannin

Ancient Stories: that teach us new things (Part 5) Doing the small, everyday, seemingly meaningless discipline's can sometimes seem hard, but it is through the cumulative effect that we see growth. Sometimes we find ourselves in a work or home environment that isn't easy to live for Jesus, but in those times we recognize that God has us there for a reason and that He is using us for His glory. (2 Kings 5:1-19, Mark 5:18-20)

"Let Go Of The Leash" - Tim Mannin

Ancient Stories: that teach us new things (Part 4) We all struggle with the desire to control the things around us and make decisions in an attempt to avoid risk. In spite of the countless times God has provided for us, we still make our own plans as David did when he ordered the census of Israel. What are you trying to control that you need to give to The Lord? (1 Chronicles 21:1-27)

"What Are You Doing Here?" - Tim Mannin

Ancient Stories: that teach us new things (Part 3) Elijah witnesses first hand the power of God and incredible miraculous things, but then finds himself running in fear and hiding in a cave. God's question to Elijah is "What are you doing here?" In our life, where is "here?" Where are we at in our emotions, in our spirituality? Where do you find yourself, as Elijah did, ready for God to move you forward into the next step, into the great unknown of his destiny for you. (1 Kings 18, 19)

"Wrestling With God" - Tim Mannin

Ancient Stories: that teach us new things (Part 2) In the 2nd week of our series, we read the story of Jacob and his struggle to shed his name and his past. He did everything to accumulate wealth and power in order to run from his identity, but it wasn't until he brought it all to God by wrestling through the issue, that he was changed. If you listen long enough in the wrestling, you will begin to hear the blessing. Don't let go. (Gen. 32)

"The Silent Beckoning" - Tim Mannin

Ancient Stories: that teach us new things (Part 1) The Holy Spirit beckons us to come and live. In these moments, do we sit in the safety and comfort of the shade of the tree or do we answer the call to live a life of faith? It will call us out of a life of mundane and ordinary, and into a life of adventure with Jesus. These choices that we make are the difference between seeing the mundane or seeing the miraculous. (1 Sam. 14:1-14)

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