"The Story Behind The Story" - Tim Mannin

Wells (Part 5) When Jesus met the woman at the well, there was extreme significance in where they were. The Jewish people and the Samaritans were at odds, but Jesus was the bridge between them. He saw the bigger story behind the story and knew that if the gospel and reconciliation was for all people. Who in your life do you need to forgive? Who in your life have you hurt or mistreated? (John 4, Acts 1:8, Acts 9:31)

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"She Left The Bucket" - Tim Mannin

Wells (Part 4) Today we return to the story of Jesus and the woman at the well, and discuss the challenges of letting go of the control in our life and stepping into the deeper waters with Christ. Often times, we have the desire to move out of the shallow waters, but do not know how. With this in mind, we examine practical steps for how each of us can take action to put down our control and step into deeper waters.  (John 4: 25-39, Luke 5:1-7)

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"A Well On A Well" - Tim Mannin

Wells (Part 2) Sometimes we are too focused on the "right way" to do religion and we lose sight of the joy of following Jesus and digging deeper into God. He is so much bigger than religion. We must let go of the societal pressures and arguments of religion and dive into our relationship with God with total freedom and joy. (John 4, Proverbs 3:9)

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"Digging" - Tim Mannin

Wells (Part 1) There are times in life when it's clear that we need to "commit to digging." Meaning it's time to dig until we find the living water Jesus gives! In those times we establish wells that we can draw life and wisdom from forever. (John 4:3-14, Psalm 63:1, Psalm 84:2)

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"I Am The Vine" - Tim Mannin 

I Am (Part 6) We often complicate faith, but Jesus said simply, "I am the Vine; and you are the branches. If you abide in me, you will bear much fruit. If we desire to bear fruit, to have a full life, we must abide in Him and want to just dwell in His presence. (John 15:1-8)

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"I Am" - Tim Mannin

I Am (Part 1) Starting our new series, we study Exodus 3 and the story of Moses and the burning bush. Moses asks a question that is still relevant in the heart of us today, "Who Am I?" God responds with an answer of peace and power... "I Am With You." In every situation... in fear, in doubt, in stress, in frustration, in anger, in joy, in depression, in everything... "I Am With You." For every need of life, "I Am." (Exodus 3, John 18:4-8)

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"Too Much Of A Good Thing" - Tim Mannin

1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 11) In our final morning in the series 1 John (Love Conquers All), we witness a "drop the mic" moment from John as he encourages us to keep away from idols in his final words of the letter. There are really good things in life that we sometimes elevate into a higher position and it begins to drive our life. If we look to created things to give us hope, love, and happiness, they will eventually break our hearts. (1 John 5:20-21, Rom. 1:21,25, Rev. 2:2-5)

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"God's Will Isn't So Hard" - Tim Mannin

1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 10) Have you ever wondered if you're doing God's will? How do we discern this? We treat God as though he is a traffic cop at the intersections of life, but following His will is more like He is the sculptor shaping us in to who we are called to be. His will is that we would hear and listen to His voice. (1 John 5, Rom. 12:1-2, Matt. 22:35, 1 Thes. 5:16-18) 

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"But God Loved Us" - Kaleb Kinney

1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 8) This is love.. not that you first loved God, but He loved you and sent His son to die for you. God is not concerned with what you bring to the relationship, His love for you is 100% dependent on Him. If we are loved so unconditionally, we must give that same love to everyone we meet. It doesn't matter what any have done, all are deserving of His love. (1 John 4:7-16, Luke 15)

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"Matter Over Mind" - Tim Mannin

1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 6)  As John discusses what it means to love, he appeals to our gut-level essence of our being. He implores us to put matter over mind, to not just think about things like forgiveness and loving your neighbor, but actually act on these things. Do we actually forgive, love, and show patience, or do we just agree with the concept? (1 John 3:11-18) 

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