1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 5) One of the central questions throughout God's story and in our world today is... where is God? The scriptures show us that there has been a progression to the answer of this question. God has been found in certain places and certain types of people, but 1 John reminds us of what we've received and reveals where God is. (1 John 2:26-27, Exodus 25:8, 28:41, 1 Samuel 16:12-13, Luke 4:18, John 14:15-17, 25-16, John 20:22)
Read More"Peace On Earth Part 2" - Tim Mannin
Peace On Earth (Part 2) The birth of Jesus is a history splitting, movement making, human saving moment that changed everything. Tonight in our intimate Christmas Eve service we read the story of the birth of Jesus and reflect on what that moment meant for us and all of humanity.
Read More"Peace On Earth Part 1" - Tim Mannin
Peace On Earth (Part 1) Reading through the story of the birth of Jesus, we see that He came for the outsiders. He came for those who feel inadequate, lonely, and outcast. He brought peace and showed us what it means to live in humility and equality with the community around us. We must tell of the gift of Jesus we have received. (Luke 2)
Read MoreBetter With Jesus - Kaleb Kinney
1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 4) What does it mean when John implores us to not love the world? Looking at the example of Jesus and the rich young ruler, we see Jesus calling us to leave the little things of the world that we hold on to. The world would say that we are better off holding on to our control, security, comfort, and little pieces of the world, but we are better with Jesus. (1 John 2:15-17, Mark 10:17-27)
Read More"The Truth About You" - Tim Mannin
1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 3) As children we would claim that "sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt us." However, as adults we fully grasp that that the words spoken to us have a tremendous power. John reminds us of the power of our words and what it means to speak truth and life to others. (1 John 2)
Read More"Guard Love" - Tim Mannin
1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 2) John shows us a narrative of love and keeping the commandments of Jesus. We must pay attention to the moments when love is not easy, when it doesn't come naturally. Guarding love is about saying "I'm not going to love when it's just an easy thing, I am going to love in all situations." The gospel is advanced when we chose to love in the difficult situations. Love will conquer all. (1 John 2:1-7, John 13:34-35, 15:12)
Read More"Fiction & Reality" - Tim Mannin
1 John: Love Conquers All (Part 1) The battle between darkness and light (fiction and reality) is about the illusions we come to believe about our self and the world. 1 John begins with this tension and struggle we all face and encourages us to be people who live in reality. (1 John 1:1-10, John 1:4-5)
Read More"They Broke Bread" - Tim Mannin
The First Church (Part 4) The gospel is expansive and free. We as a church desire to lead our culture, but we can't lead it through violence and hostility. We must lead through building relationships and the breaking of bread. This morning we hear stories from others in our church about the importance of community, building relationships, and breaking bread together. (Acts 2:42-47, Matthew 26:26-28)
Read More"They Were Empowered" - Tim Mannin
The First Church (Part 3) We as a the Church have allowed ignorance to become acceptable. We have the ability to acknowledge and know God's power and presence, but we chose to remain ignorant and let other people dive into the deep things of God. We are empowered people of God and the Holy Spirit is with us every step of the way. (Acts 1:8, 2:1-8, 2:12-15, 3:7, 4:5)
Read More"They Were Growing" - Kaleb Kinney
The First Church (Part 2) In the early church it is said that they could not stop speaking of what they had seen and heard. Far too often, we as a church are quiet about the things that matter and far too loud about everything else. If we believe the Gospel is the greatest story ever told, why would we waste our breath on any other story? (Acts 4:1-21)
Read More"They Were Generous" - Tim Mannin
The First Church (Part 1) This morning we begin a new teaching series on the early church. We discuss stories in scripture of generosity and what God calls us to be. Who in your life comes first? For many of us, we love God, but struggle to put Him first. The most important thing that we can derive from scripture is that God must come first. (Acts 2:42-46, 4:32-37, Ex. 23:19, Lev. 27:30, Gen. 4:3-5, I Cor. 9:6-8)
Read More"A Letter" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 9) Everyone loves a great ending to a compelling story. In today's message we look at Paul's final words in his letter to the Philippians. Our pastor shares a letter from his heart to us as a body as we close on one chapter in the life of our young church and open a new one, with hope, grace, and peace. If you'd like a copy of "the letter" download here. (Philippians 4:21-23)
Read More"How To Be Here" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 8) We all what to get "there" in life. We want our hopes, our dreams, our future plans.. but we find ourselves "here." How do we face this discontentment? Paul speaks of how the story ends. As believers, we know how the story ends and it makes the "here" less chaotic and more peaceful. The question isn't how do we get "there," it is how do we be "here?" (Philippians 1:4-6, 4:10-13)
Read More"Think About Such Things" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 7) Many of us live a lifestyle where peace is fleeting and our lives are busy and full. His presence and peace may seem like a long shot for you, but He is found in the midst of your rejoicing. (Philippians 4, Psalms 145:8, Prov. 16:22)
Read More"It's All Garbage" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 6) It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that you are superior to others because of what you've done, but we must never let our accomplishments in the church be used as a tool to judge others. Paul gives us a remedy to this situation and that is to truly know God. We explore what that means in our daily life. (Philippians 3)
Read More"Shine Like Stars" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 5) In the verses we study this morning, we see Paul referencing the Exodus story and how the Israelites complained and grumbled. In so doing, they were so caught up in the mud of their circumstances, that they missed the miracles around them. They had forgotten how far God had brought them. In Paul's letter, he encourages them to stop their grumbling and shine like the stars of the universe. (Philippians 2:14-16)
Read More"Humility Part 2" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 4) Everything that Christ did was predicated by humility. This morning we look at the example He took of lowering Himself to make the ultimate sacrifice for us. In your life, where do you need to humble yourself and who do you need to humble yourself to? (Philippians 2:5-11)
Read More"Humility" - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 3) The root of self-centeredness is so deep and pervasive in our lives that we often don't know how to take the first step towards humility. This morning we are implored to challenge our self-centeredness by beginning to pray differently, focus on others, and value our community. (Philippians 2:1-11)
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