Philippians (Part 2) Paul, facing death in prison implores the Philippians to exalt Christ in every aspect of their life. Claiming that death is gain, he understands that Salvation is the courage to trust God with ones life. Do we have the courage to make God big in every aspect of our life? (Phil. 1:19-21, 27)
Read MoreCarys & Shalom - Tim Mannin
Philippians (Part 1) This morning we begin a new series on the book of Philippians. In the midst of Paul's imprisonment, we see his attitude and words showing gratitude to the people in his life. When we find ourselves in difficult situations, can we relate to Paul? Perhaps instead of asking, "how can I fix it," maybe the question is, "who am I grateful for?" (Philippians 1:1-11)
Read More"Hide and Seek" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 11) Just like a child playing hide and seek, we hide from God in plain site. He doesn't force us out of hiding, but invites us into a relationship with Him. As we grow, we join with God as a seeker for His people. Are you joining in the mission of God to seek and show compassion to His people? (Genesis 3, Matthew 9)
Read More"A Lot With A Little" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 10) Many of us feel un-equipped in our spiritual life, as if this story is for someone else, someone stronger or more courageous. It is not about what you have, but who has you. You don't have to feed 15,000, but simply give what you have. Jesus always does a lot with just a little. (John 6, Eph. 3:20-4:6)
Read More"Prodigal" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 9) In the story of the Prodigal Son, we often think of it as a story about the two sons, but this story shows us the un-conditional love of the father. What a great reminder to hear that God's love is not earned, but merely received. (Luke 15:11-32, 1 Cor. 13:13, Eph. 3:16-19)
Read More"The Crowds Became Smaller" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 8) The assumption that we are good soil, without examining our fruits is dangerous. No one is immune to being lukewarm or having half-hearted behavior. Are we good soil? Are we producing fruit? Lean into the difficult things and transformation will occur. (Matt. 13:1-44, Phil. 3:10)
Read More"American Christian" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 7) Have we created a hybrid version of following Christ in America? Have we simply begun to consume the culture around us rather than do our part to shape it? In our minds, we believe that Christ is king, but do we live that way? (Mark 1:15, John 17:13-18)
Read More"We Are Her" - Nate Kinney
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 6) This morning we welcome guest speaker Nate Kinney. In the story of the adulterous woman, we recognize that we are all flawed, but Jesus says, "neither do I condemn you." We as a Church must learn to view others in this way and realize that there is no "us" or "them," but instead, "we." (Romans 12, Matt 5,6,7)
Read More"What Compels Us" - Kaleb Kinney
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 5) For the most part, our encounters with God happen in the safest places possible, we must be compelled to step out of these safe places and share the Gospel. We have all of the knowledge necessary, we must begin to exercise this knowledge. (John 3)
Read More"Be Fully Present" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings from the Gospels (Part 4) Often in life we are anywhere, but here. How do we choose live better in a world demanding us to worry about what did or didn't happen yesterday or be distracted by the things facing us tomorrow? Jesus reminds us to be rooted in the now! (John 10:10, Mat 6:34, Exodus 24:12, Luke 10:38-42 ).
Read More"Cephas" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings from the Gospels (Part 3) Life is full of ups and downs and the life of Peter (Cephas) may be one of the best examples of learning what to do when you find yourself in the down moments. Some of the moments from Peter's life that mattered the most where the ones he chose to run to Jesus after his lowest low. (Various Scriptures from Peter's Life + John 20:1-10, John 21:1-9).
Read More"Tension" - Tim Mannin
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 2) There must be a tension between our current reality and our preferable future. In order for such a tension to exist, there must be a difference between trying and training in our faith. (Mark 10, Matt. 6:19-21, Eph. 4:12-16)
Read More"The Process of Growth" - Kaleb Kinney
Grow: Teachings From The Gospels (Part 1) This week we begin our new summer series called "Grow: Teachings From The Gospels." Guest speaker Kaleb Kinney discusses the process of spiritual growth and the lessons we can learn from the process of Christ's growth through baptism and the temptation in the wilderness. (Matt 4:1-22, Psalm 42)
Read More"The Pursuit of Life on Life Community" - Blair Humphreys
Bringing Life To Our City (Part 8) This morning we welcome guest speaker Blair Humphreys as he discusses what it means to be connected to the people around us. Often times we find ourselves living in silos of separated community, but what this city needs is people to share their lives with each other. The Church is called to be soul on soul, life on life community so that others are truly known and truly loved. (Thes. 2:8)
Read More"Family" - Tim Mannin
Bringing Life To Our City (Part 7) On this Mother's Day, we celebrate the women in our community and discuss the importance of our families. Whether it be our personal family or church family, there are many aspects that make each one important and significant in our life and city. (Psalm 22, 1 Cor. 12)
Read More"Your City, Your Life" - Tim Mannin
Bringing Life To Our City (Part 6) The question isn't do you have faith, it's how bad do you want it? Our lack of desperation is the square wheels in the movement of God in our lives. (Matt. 8,9,13, Luke 4)
Read More"The Whole Earth" - Tim Mannin
Bringing Life To Our City (Part 5) The purpose of this morning is to be a catalyst for who we will become as a church, a clear step of vision of what we mean when we talk about our global mission and purpose. Anytime we face the realities of this world, it brings out compassion and motivation. (Luke 3:11, Acts 20:35, Proverbs 13:21, Micah 6:8)
Read More"Jesus and The Mission" - Tim Mannin
Bringing Life To Our City (Part 4) The mission of Jesus is restoration. We bring life to our city when we learn to live like a sent people, not a saved people. After his resurrection, Jesus showed hope and restoration to the disappointed, the doubting, the failed, and the inadequate. No matter who you are or what you're going through, there is restoration for you in Jesus. (Luke 24, John 20)
Read More"The City Saved The Church" - Tim Mannin
Bringing Life To Our City (Part 3) As we read in Acts 17, we see how Paul addresses the city after he first understands it. How is your story connected to the bigger story? Your life isn't about you, but about the endless possibilities of the gospel through you. The city invites you and the gospel into it, everyday. (Acts 17)
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