To The City (Week 2) The battlefield of the mind is a daily reality for so many. How can we find daily renewal and transformation? In this message we explore what scriptures teach us about the mind. (Rom 12:1-2, 8:6, 7:22-25, 1 Pet 1:13-15, 5:8-11)
Read More"Strong and Weak" - Tim Mannin
To The City (Week 1) We begin our new series in the book of Romans, where we find the paradoxical relationship between our strength and weakness. So many of us want to walk in the authority of Jesus (as more than conquerors), yet our weaknesses and vulnerabilities grab ahold of us with surprising strength. In this message we explore the possibilities of a life that is strong and weak. (Rom 8:35-39, Rom 12:3, 2 Cor 12:9-10, 1 Tim 6:19).
Read More"Are Your Ready for More" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 10) Are you ready for God to do more? Hopefully that’s what we all want! This question leads us to prepare and posture ourselves for God to do a new work in us and around us. We conclude this series with a message unpacking some new vision for our church this upcoming year and how we can all grow into new things! (Eph 4:11-16)
Read More"More of God in You" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 9) What happens when more of God’s presence is in you? In this message we try to capture the full picture of this series, plus speak to the power of God's presence in us and upon us. (Acts 3:1-10, 1 Sam 17:32-37, Acts 5:15-16)
Read More"God Cares" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 8) Within all of us reside questions, doubts, struggles, and the weight of our past. If we’re honest, many of us feel far from revival and closer to confusion. In this message we want to absorb the amazing thought that “God cares.” He understands you and is big enough for the hard stuff happening within you. And because He cares, He has so much more for you! (Gen 1:26-27, Phil 1:6, Mark 9:20-29)
Read More"The Culture of Revival" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 7) Jesus desires unity for us, yet the world we live in is more divided than ever. In this message we talk about the dividing realities of our culture, and how a culture of revival is one of unity, one-anothering, and oneness! What are we cultivating with our lives? (Mat 13:24-26, Jn 17:20-24, Hb 13:1)
Read More"Hitting The Wall" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 6) In our faith journey we will eventually “hit a wall.” It may be a wall of exhaustion, tragedy, doubt, or hurt; but God will use the wall to draw us deeper into more of Him. The journey inward leads to breakthrough. This morning we also hear a story of miraculous healing and breakthrough in the life of Caryn Knight. (Heb. 10:23-25, Is. 43:19, Ps. 119:105-112)
Read More"Why We Serve" - Kaleb Kinney
Revival Starts Within (Week 5) We serve because Jesus demonstrated it, the Bible demands it, and because of what’s possible through it. How do we create generations of people who serve Christ… we serve. It is our ultimate joy to give our service back to God. (1 Peter 4:10, John 13:1-5, Ruth 1:3-22, 2:1-3)
Read More"We Praise More" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 4) People who long for more of God always become people who learn to worship and praise more. We want to be a people who never withhold our praise and who never give our worship to anyone or anything else! (Dan 3:1-28, Ps 118:24, Ps 95:11, Eph 5:19)
Read More"Sabbath and Solitude" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 3) In order to experience MORE of God we must find ways and rhythms that help us slow down in the midst of our busy and hectic world. God has given us the rhythms of sabbath and solitude as a gift to restore us, speak to us, and give us life! (Ex 16:21-29, 14:13-14, Matt 11:28-30)
Read More"You're Missing It" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 2) So many of us are missing what God has made available! We are way too busy and moving too fast and as a result we’re living in ruts instead of spiritual rhythms. In this message we explore slowing down, getting honest about what’s happening within ourselves, and learning to “stop and smell the roses.” (Gen 2:1-2, Mk 6:7-34, Deut 1:6-8)
Read More"Heart & Soul" - Tim Mannin
Revival Starts Within (Week 1) The great moves of God always begin WITHIN people as he stirs up desires more of Himself. This week we begin a new teaching series about the ways and rhythms of being a person who longs for more of God. This journey begins in our heart and soul. (Dan 6:1-27, Pro 4:23, Gen 2:7, Mat 22:37-38). Download teaching slides via website.
Read More"He Changes Everything About Everything" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 52) In this last message of our 52 week series on Jesus, we reflect back on how He has impacted us, how He has increased our faith, and where we go from here. He has raised the temperature of our faith and shown us miraculous things, and this should fuel our desire to do whatever it takes to press in and experience the breakthrough. (Isaiah 61:1-3)
Read More"Marked By Love" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 51) This morning’s message is a powerful call to action and a reminder of the love that Jesus has for us. The breakthrough that we experience with God isn’t intended to be a single moment, but instead, it is intended to be the new normal. We have been called to make the ceiling of our faith, the new floor. The boundaries of our faith is changing and we are being called to more. (Mark 12:28, Matt. 10:37, Isaiah 43:19, Ps. 34:1, Eph. 3:17, Duet. 30:19-20, Rom. 12:2)
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