"Jesus is Here" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 32) God has been declaring His love for us and revealing that He has been with us throughout human history, but the moment that Jesus came into the world, it changed everything. His presence brings a celebration of joy, a feeling of peace, a cry of hope, and a gift of love. (Matt. 1:18-22)

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"Joy of Jesus" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 31) Happiness is part of our human desire, but sometimes it’s not as easy as just “choosing” joy. How do we live a life full of joy? Many of us have stories of pain, sadness, and depression, but the word says that in His presence is the fullness of joy… if we desire joy we must seek His presence. (Psalm 118:24, 16:11, Luke 2:8-11, Heb. 12:2, Neh. 8:9-12)

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"Peace of Jesus" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 30) Story after story in the life of Jesus, we see the disciples and people around him full of anxiety and fear, but yet Jesus shows a calm spirit and brings peace to their lives. He brings peace on earth and declares “peace be with you.” He changes our human nature that lacks peace and breathes the spirit of God on us.(Matthew 14-17, John 20:19-22, Luke 2:8-14)

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"Wait on Jesus" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 29) In an instant gratification society, the idea of waiting on anything frustrates us. When we are waiting to see God answer prayers and give breakthrough in our life, it reminds us that we aren’t in control. This morning we learn what it means to actively wait on God and what He is doing around us while we wait. (Luke 2:22-38)

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"Revival Starts Within" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 27) There is a call throughout scripture to worship, pray and fast in order to see the power and in-breaking kingdom of God. The Lord uses these disciplines as a channel to His powerful movements and revivals across the land. Great revivals and moments of healing begin with the position of our heart. (2 Chronicles 7:14, Mark 9:17-29, Phil. 2, Acts 13)

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"Purpose in Suffering" - Micah Kersh

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 26) We live in a dark and sinful world, full of pain and suffering. In the midst of this worldly suffering we are challenged to be steadfast, to have endurance and persistence in the face of these circumstances. It is only through Jesus that we can overcome and by overcoming we fulfill the purpose in suffering. (2 Thes. 1:1-12, 2 Cor. 5)

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"Jesus and the Pharisees" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 25) It is by Christ alone that we are saved. We are not justified by what we do, but only because of who He is. There is a great tension in life when we intend to make Jesus the King, the center of our life, but instead we focus our attention and effort on secondary and peripheral things of this world. (Luke 18:9-14, Phil. 3:8)

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"Have it All" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 24)  God is not looking for people who can do it all, He’s looking for people who are willing to give it all. You may feel inadequate or that you don’t have enough to offer, but He can do the miraculous through you if you are willing to give it all. The miraculous breakthrough and miracles aren’t just meant for everyone else, they are waiting for you. (John 6:1-13, Matt. 10:7-8, John 16:33)

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"Make Disciples" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 23) Discipleship isn’t about having all the answers, it’s about inviting someone into a journey. We must give away all that God has given to us and invest ourselves into others. Jesus gave us the example of the power and value of investing our life into our friends and community. (Matt. 28:16, 1 Thes. 2:8, Luke 22:31-32, 2 Timothy 1:2-3)

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"Love Your Neighbor" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 22) Jesus made it clear that we are called to love our neighbor. We respond to that call by following His command, not because we are “supposed to” but because Jesus is inviting us in to a better way to live. We look at practical and simple steps to live out this calling and begin to love the people in our neighborhoods and at our jobs. (Matt. 22:36-39, Luke 10:29-30)

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"Repent & Believe" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 20)  We all have areas of sin in our life that have been tripping us up for far too long. What is the area of vulnerability in your life? In order to see spiritual breakthrough in our life, we must learn to repent and re-focus our heart. Repentance is a walk, not a one time choice. When we allow God to transform our mind, we begin to see our sin and struggles the way that He does. (John 10:10, Mark 1:14-15, Luke 15:8-10, Gen. 4, Her. 12:1-2, Psalm 119:11)

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"Blessing" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 19) As we listen to stories of God’s faithfulness in the lives of the people of our community, we are encouraged and reminded of the call He has placed on us to give. Giving it all away is a posture of believing God is able. We must sow the seeds and trust that He will spring forth new life when the time is right. (2 Cor. 7:6-8, Mal. 3:8-10, Luke 21:1-4)

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"Jesus & Money" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 18) Jesus addressed the issue of finances and giving on many different occasions throughout scripture. We look at his heart for us in how He instructs us to give and the promises that follow. He challenges us to test Him in this area and He will do as He has promised. Do we test Him and trust Him? (Luke 16:10, Matt. 6:24, 22:37, 6:33, Exodus 23:19, Mal. 3:8-10)

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"Jesus Is For You" - Tim Mannin

Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 16) Jesus is for you and has never stopped believing in you, even if you've stopped believing in yourself. This morning's message focuses on Jesus encountering Peter in the midst of his failure and pursuing him. He heals our shame, changes our focus, and gives us a new direction. (John 21:15-22, 22:55-62)

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