Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 13) Jesus didn't want a wall between heaven and earth, He prayed "on earth as it is in Heaven." We are so afraid of stepping in to the the "more" of God, because we don't know what it will bring, so we allow the walls of our life to stay up. God's love is pouring out and breaking down walls all around us. (Mark 7:5-14, 1 Thes. 5:16-18)
Read More"Let Me Refresh Your Memory" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 12) This morning we read of Peter's reminder in 2 Peter chapter 1. He implores us to remember that God has given us everything we need to live a godly life and forgiven us of our sins. If you are in need of a fresh breath from The Spirit, be reminded today of what He has done. (2 Peter 1, Eph. 3, John 3)
Read More"Passion & Purpose" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 11) What you do doesn't answer the question of who you are. We often think we should be passionate about what we do, but if we are passionate about who we are, it changes everything about what we do. (Mark 12:28-30, Matthew 13:44, 21:12-13)
Read More"What Are You Asking For" - Kaleb Kinney
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 10) In Luke chapter 18, we find blind Bartimaeus crying out to Jesus. In his greatest moment of need he asked Jesus for healing as an expression of faith and reliance on the Father. Jesus knows what we want, even before we ask, but we ask to show our trust and faith in who He is and what He has promised. (Luke 18:35-43)
Read More"Hopeless Hope" - Kaleb Kinney
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 9) Like the man beside the pool of Bethesda, we spend years of our life staring at the water and waiting for it to stir up so that we can be healed, when we simply need to turn to Jesus. He is there with us in every circumstance and no matter what we are facing, His name is the answer. (John 5)
Read More"Yes & No" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 8) Jesus showed us a model of how to live life with an overall purpose and mission. He said no to the right things in order to carry out the mission of His life. Are we saying yes to too many things? Are we mis-aligned or too busy? Are we making decisions with our time and life that reflect our mission? (Luke 4:42-44, John 5:19)
Read More"The More Right Thing" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 7) Do you ever feel like you're doing all the right things, but not experiencing The Lord? In the story of Mary and Martha, we see Jesus acknowledging the difference between what is good and what is better. The life that we are choosing is dictating who we are becoming. Are we choosing to be busy, pre-occupied, and focused on religious traditions or choosing to rest in His presence? (Heb. 4:12, Luke 10:38-42, John 12:1-6)
Read More"The Resurrection and The Life" - Micah Kersh
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 6) In the story of Lazarus, Jesus was questioned and approached in multiple ways. He met each one of these questions and needs in unique and different ways. In our life, He meets our needs with truth, love, emotion and powerful action. Everything He does is purposeful and His purpose is to reveal Himself to us. (John 11:1-44)
Read More"Jesus and His Mission" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 5) Jesus was sent for you, to restore the hurting, the disappointed and all those who feel inadequate. He restores and then sends us out on a new mission, a better story, and a larger purpose. We must learn how to live like sent people, not just a saved people. (John 20)
Read More"Angry Jesus" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 4) There were moments in the life of Jesus where we see His passion and anger rise up when He was faced with injustice. In our life, He has called us to have this same holy discontent for the injustice around us. For too long we have moved away from the difficult things He has called us to and to the mediocre and comfortable. What is the fire in your heart that He has called you to pursue? (Mark 3:1-6)
Read More"Questioning Jesus" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 3) Our culture is full of so many questions about truth, faith, and religion. This morning's message looks at the difference between finding truth through Jesus and finding a truth through the world. Many would say there can be different forms of truths through many different religions or lack thereof. Jesus asks us, who do you say that I am, what is your truth, and do you believe I am all that I say I am. He stands alone as the truth in a world of many truths. (Ecc. 3:11, John 10:9-11, 11:25-26, 15:5, 14:6, 8:12, Matt. 16:13-18)
Read More"His Message" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He changed everything about everything (Week 2) Jesus' ministry was the in-breaking of the reign of God and the establishment of His kingdom. When He showed up, there was a reversal of power. He touched the un-clean and they became clean, He touched the broken and they were restored. Are you broken or hurting? He is enough. (Mark 1, Mark 2)
Read More"The Kingdom" - Tim Mannin
Jesus. He Changed Everything About Everything (Week 1) We begin a new series on Jesus, who He was, and how He changed everything. The Jewish people of that day were looking for an earthly king to rule and reign, but Jesus came and changed everything, including their perspective. What is our current perspective, who do we trust, who rules our life, and who do we worship? (Mark 1:15, 1 Sam. 8, John 17 & 19)
Read More"Out of the Shallows" - Tim Mannin
Drenched (Week 5) So many of us long to live a life of deeper passion and love for God, but yet we continue to do things the same way while trying harder and harder. As Jesus called Peter and the disciples out of the shallows and into the deeper water, he is calling us to pray boldly and worship greatly as we too step out of the shallows and into the deeper waters of our life. (Luke 5, Hab. 1:5, Psalm 63:1, 1 Cor. 2:9)
Read More"Joy of Salvation" - Kaleb Kinney
Drenched (Week 4) There is a joy available to you, a joy that can not be explained. Because of the Salvation that is found in Jesus, we can now have a joy in all situations. Even though we may experience major trials and pain, there is a joy that He gives to us through many different things such as The Holy Spirit, other believers, and belonging to the Kingdom. (Rom. 15, James 1, Gal. 5, Acts 13)
Read More"Baptism Service" - Tim Mannin
Drenched (Week 3) This evening in a very special service, we celebrate 16 baptisms in our church and hear stories of God's faithfulness and love in the lives of each and everyone of us. Worship is expressed through the sharing of our gratitude, so we proclaim how grateful we are for all He has done for us! (Gen. 1, Rev. 22)
Read More"Because We Want To Want To" - Tim Mannin
Drenched (Week 2) Why do we worship? When we begin to recognize what God has done for us and who He is, it begs a response of love from our hearts. Too often the temperature of our worship is based on how we feel about God in the moment or what we feel like he has done for us recently. What about the times when we don't feel like praising? Worship isn't a feeling or an emotion, it's an acknowledgement of who God is. (Isaiah 6:1-8, Romans 1:21-23, Luke 17:11-19)
Read More"Drenched by Baptism" - Tim Mannin
Drenched (Week 1) The first message in our new series about worship is focused on baptism, what it means, how we participate in it, and why we do it. This visible response to an invisible expression of faith is a powerful form of worship and a sign of dedication to God. (Matt. 3:11, Acts 8:36-37)
Read More"Desperate" - Tim Mannin
5 (Week 4) Do we have a desperation in our faith? We read stories in the Bible of men and women experiencing miraculous wonders of God because of their great faith. We have religion, but no desperation. We must be willing to do the labor of growing our desperation for Him for the breakthrough that is awaiting. (Matthew 8 & 9, Luke 4)
Read More"When People Pray" - Tim Mannin
5 (Week 3) What happens when God's people pray? Stories from scripture inspire us this morning as our church begins two weeks of 24/7 prayer. Persistence matters in all areas of life and prayer is no different. When a prayer becomes the cry of your heart, that's when God starts to move. (Acts 1, 2, 3, Matthew 26)
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