Ephesians (Week 3) We can be so focused on what we need to correct in our life and often view God as a "Big-Brother" who is always watching and pointing out our failures. But Paul's words through the Holy Spirit, show us the power of encouraging words and remind us that God loves us, chose us, and is thankful for us. (Eph. 1:15-23)
Read More"Blessed" - Tim Mannin
Ephesians (Week 2) In the early part of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he wrote a 220 word doctrinal rant about what God has done for us, and what it means to be blessed. The biblical claim of the gospel is that we live from the blessing, not for the blessing. We remind ourselves of each of these truths and blessings this morning and re-shape the narrative of what it means to be blessed. (Eph. 3:1-14, Jer. 29:11)
Read More"Tunnels and Theaters" - Kaleb Kinney
Ephesians (Week 1) In the first week of our series on Ephesians, we examine the history behind the city of Ephesus and their incredible transformation to Christianity. The gospel of Jesus is a story of revolution that flips cities upside down. It has the power to change everything and everyone. We must not shrink the story of Jesus down, but shout it out in the theaters of our influence and life. (Eph 1:1-3, Acts 19:23-41, 20:1)
Read More"God With Us" - Tim Mannin
Doing Things That Matter (Week 8) The idea of God's presence with us should be an awakening moment that spurs us forward to do things that matter. Do we care enough to bring the love and presence of God into the life of everyone around us? We have been given the power to encourage, heal, and strengthen our community around us! There is a story waiting to be told, and it is waiting for you. (Acts 3, Acts 5:14-15, Matt. 10:6-9, 2 Thes. 2)
Read More"You Know These Things... Do Them" - Tim Mannin
Doing Things That Matter (Week 7) The problem isn't our desire to do something great... it is our understanding of greatness. The gospel is intended to be lived. The greatest thing we can do is serve like Jesus. Who/How/Where are you serving? (John 13:1-17, Mark 14:22-24)
Read More"Haiti" - Tim Mannin & Ruben Cenea
Doing Things That Matter (Week 6) We are taking a new step into what we are calling our "Global Life" initiative, which looks beyond our city and hopes to do things that matter with other people and places around the world. We're excited to work with the Mission of Hope, Haiti - Ruben Cenea shares about the amazing work MOH is doing and how we can engage.
Read More"Love Your City" - Tim Mannin
Doing Things That Matter (Week 5) Reckless love is an action that is not just about doing good deeds. So many followers of Jesus effort to be good people, but we must also effort to bring the kingdom of God. The people we love, we pray desperately for. Are our prayers for our city and our neighbors desperate enough? (Mark 2:1-12, Job 29:6, Isaiah 52:7)
Read More"A Different Life" - Tim Mannin
Doing Things That Matter (Week 4) It is difficult to measure faith. One of the ways we can see evidence of our faith is in the story of our life and what God has done. This morning we hear a powerful story of what God is doing and has done in the life of Jeremy and Brandy Romine and what it takes for each of us to live differently. (2 Cor. 5:17, Phil. 2:12-13, Gal. 5:13-25, Eph. 4:22)
Read More"I Want To See" - Tim Mannin
Doing Things That Matter (Week 3) There are moments in life when God allows us to see our world for what it could be, to see a vision or a dream of what could be done to impact those around us. Just as blind Bartimaeus responded when Jesus asked "what do you want me to do for you," we too must ask to for eyes to see the need around us and the courage to do things that matter. (Mark 10:35-52)
Read More"Everyone Matters" - Tim Mannin
Doing Things That Matter (Week 2) We live in a world divided against itself. Many people want to do things that matter in response to the racism, hatred, and division in our culture. Jesus walked in a world riddled with the same problems and showed us a few things that mattered then…and still matter today. (Gal. 3:26-28, Matt. 4:23-25, 5:1-3, 13-16, Luke 9:52-54)
Read More"Doing Things That Matter" - Tim Mannin
Doing Things That Matter (Week 1) In the first week of our staple series on "Doing Things That Matter," we hear the silent beckoning from God calling us to more. This idea is about life and what we are choosing everyday. Are we choosing the path to God or simply allowing life to make the choices for us? Are there stories and evidence of God moving in our lives? It is time to begin living the life we were called to live. (John 10:10, Matthew 17:13-14)
Read More"Psalm 139" - Tim Mannin
Psalms (Part 6) As we wrap up our series in Psalms, we read of David's struggle with his understanding and acceptance of God's presence. We want to control everything in our life instead of merely resting in God's presence, remembering that God sees us, God loves us, and God has us. (Psalm 139, Romans 8)
Read More"Psalm 62" - Kaleb Kinney
Psalms (Part 5) This morning we look at the words of David in Psalm 62 and the life of Job. In both situations, we see a pattern of relying completely on the Father and trusting in Him alone. There are moments when we ask God for things, but sometimes we must just be patient, be still, and remember all He has done for us. The powerful words of this Psalm inspire us to pour our hearts out to Him. (Psalm 62)
Read More"Psalm 56" - Kaleb Kinney
Psalms (Part 4) As Christians we are often ashamed to admit our fear, but in Psalm 56 we find David showing fear and realizing that our fear brings out our faith. When we lack confidence, we must rely on the word of God. We have the knowledge of how the story ends and that brings us confidence in all things. (Psalm 56, 1 Sam. 21, Rev. 5, Romans 8)
Read More"Psalm 51" - Tim Mannin
Psalms (Part 3) In our walk with God, there is a big difference between visitation and habitation. When we drift in and out of a personal walk with God (visitation) we are living in a cycle of back and forth, struggling with the same sin. But to live with God (habitation) we instantly recognize our sin and look to remove it from our life. (Psalm 51)
Read More"Psalm 34" - Kaleb Kinney
Psalms (Part 2) This week we examine Psalm 34 and what it means to praise God in the difficult times. We look back and remember all that He has done for us, claim confidence in the midst of trials and struggles because we know the ending, and leave with the challenge to seize every opportunity to magnify His name daily. (1 Sam. 21 & 22, Psalm 34)
Read More"Psalm 100" - Tim Mannin
Psalms (Part 1) We begin a new six week series on the Psalms. In many of the writings found in Psalms, we see a connecting theme between "God is King" and us being "Deeply Human." In this teaching we explore our human need to express gratitude and worship! (Psalm 100, Phil. 2, Luke 17) Download Slide Images
Read More"Living Well" - Tim Mannin
Wells (Part 7) In our final week of this series, we look at what it means to live well, sow a seed and leave a legacy. The world needs people who believe that living well is not rooted in accomplishments of accumulation, but instead it's rooted in our love for God and what we sow into our family, church, workplace, and city. (James 4)
Read More"The Whole City Wins" - Tim Mannin
Wells (Part 6) What if bringing life to your city was more satisfying than anything else? As Jesus was speaking to the woman at the well, the disciples returned with food, but Jesus offers a food that will always sustain. Life is not about being fed so you can be full and happy, it is about joining in the will and work of Jesus and building wells that bring life to the city. (John 4, Acts 1:8, 1 Pet 2:9-10)
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