"One Heart, One Mind" -  Tim Mannin

BOOK OF ACTS; living. growing. church planting. (Part 1) This is the first part in a new teaching series entitled: "Book of Acts (Living. Growing. Church Planting)" Do we own the cause of the gospel? Do we own the cause of this church? Is there an unquenchable hunger in us to see God move in a miraculous way in our church and city? (Acts 1:8, 2:42-47 Psalm 24:1-2, Acts 4:32)

"Smoke and Fire" - Tim Mannin

ALL I AM AND ALL I HAVE: Teachings from Leviticus (Part 4) This morning we walk through the process and the purpose of the Tabernacle and what significance this "sacred space" had in a Hebrew's life. In our culture we often treat church as a "sacred space" and would never do, say, or watch the same things we do at home. Our participation in sin has a direct correlation to the space we are in. Sometimes we must violently cut away things in our life in order to regain ourself, our sacred space. (Exodus 25:8-9, Hebrews 12:1-2, 1 Cor. 3 & 6) 

Guest Speaker - Todd Theissen 

As the torch was being passed from Elijah to Elisha we see him exemplify the principle of making an audacious request and believing that God can do even more than we could ever ask for. What is it that we are asking God for? (2 Kings 2:5-11, Eph 3:20-21, Romans 8:11) (We were grateful to welcome the Lead Pastor of Summit Church, Todd Theissen as our guest speaker this morning.)

"The Power in Community" - Ryan Moore

What does David the mighty warrior facing the giant Ishbi-benob, the little Army Ant, and Paul's persecution in Macedonia have in common? We explore these 3 stories and draw principles of God's power and answered prayer in the midst of our community. When our Brother or Sister is weak and exhausted, we stand and fight their giants. (2 Samuel 21:15-17, 2 Corinthians 7:5-7, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

"Sacred Feasts" - Tim Mannin

ALL I AM AND ALL I HAVE; Teachings from Leviticus (Part 3) In the tradition of the Jewish feats we see God's design of a communal and rhythmic purpose. In our world today we have a rhythm through our calendars. Your calendar tells a story about you, your life, your focus, and God. Whose calendar is it? It's easy for us to say we have His love is in our head and our heart, but is His love shown in the rhythm of how we move and live? (Lev. 23:1-3, John 1:14, Exodus 31:12-15)

"Goats In The Desert" - Tim Mannin

ALL I AM AND ALL I HAVE: Teachings from Leviticus (Part 2) Many of us have heard the Bible reference "The Day of Atonement," but what does it specifically mean? What were the customs and practices that were involved in this? What was the overall purpose of the Jewish people and their scapegoat? What are the correlations between their sacrifice and Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice? This morning we discover, remember, and celebrate the once and for all sacrifice that Jesus made by taking on our sins. (Leviticus 16, John 19, Hebrews 9 & 10) 

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"All I Am And All I Have" - Tim Mannin

ALL I AM AND ALL I HAVE: Teachings from the book of Leviticus (Part 1) Examining the details of a Levitical sacrifice, we compare it to our world and our life today. Because of what God gave us through His Son's sacrifice, we no longer are required to sacrifice the same way as they did in Leviticus. In light of that, what does it mean to give God our first and our best? What is it that He is calling us to give? (Lev. 1:1-9, Matt 5:48, Lev. 19:2)

"To Make A Vow" - Tim Mannin 

With everyone's thoughts on a new year and new beginning, we examine the Nazirite Vow in the Old Testament.  This vow was for people who were desperate and who were completely committed. This wasn't a new year's resolution with the focus on oneself, but a deeply seeded passionate declaration of obedience to God. Standing at the edge of commitment and obedience, we shouldn't be afraid to jump, but afraid to retreat. (Judges 13:2-5, Judges 15:12-17, Numbers 6:1-21)

"Doing Things That Matter, With Your Problems" - Tim Mannin

Five More: Doing Things That Matter (Part 5) Are we allowing our problems to become our identity?  As we close out 2013, we examine our hearts and the problems in our lives. What is it that we need to be set free from as we enter a new year? What giant-sized steps do we need to take in choosing to shed our fears and hurts, and embrace His love and grace? (James 1:2-3, Isaiah 61)

"The Perfect Gift" - Tim Mannin

The birth of Jesus was a history splitting, monumental, earth shaking moment. The gift of God's Son to us is unlike any gift we have ever received. Do we take this gift for granted? This gift was an exchange, Jesus brought us life, love, hope, grace, peace, and salvation, and in return, He takes on our sin. This is an exchange, a gift, unlike any other. (Luke 1 & 2)

"Doing Things That Matter, With Christmas" - Tim Mannin

Five More: Doing Things That Matter (Part 4) How are we responding to Christmas? We cling to and claim that Jesus is the reason for the season, yet we go on marginalizing his role in our lives. In this Christmas season, we ask ourselves the question, how are we responding to Jesus? Are we doing things that matter with Christmas? (Matthew 2:1-12, Micah 5:2)

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"Doing Things That Matter, With Money" - Tim Mannin

Five More: Doing Things That Matter (Part 3) This is a discussion that challenges us all on where our heart is at when it comes to our finances and resources. This is a perspective shift on how we view what God has given us. Have we been trustworthy with what we have been given? (Luke 16:10-15, Matthew 6:21, 2 Cor. 8:8-14) 

"Doing Things That Matter, With Words" - Tim Mannin

Five More: Doing Things That Matter (Part 2) What we say to ourself and to others has the power to lift someone up or tear someone down.  Words have a power and they are a gift. It is up to us to harness them and use them for the glory of God, the honor of the gospel, and the good of our family and neighbors. (Gen 1, Gen 3, Luke 6:45, John 1:1-2, Proverbs 18:21) 

"Doing Things That Matter, With Time" - Tim Mannin

Five More: Doing Things That Matter (part 1) In this new series we will focus on 5 specific areas where we can do things that matter for God's kingdom purposes. Today we dive into the issue of TIME. Do you control your time or does your schedule control you? Do you live with the daily sense that there is not enough time in a day? Doing things that matter with our time begins, not with us managing our time better, but by choosing our time better. How can we choose for Christ to be Lord of our life, but not allow Him to be Lord of our time?  (Genesis 2, Exodus 20, 31, Luke 5, Mark 1, Isaiah 58)

"Jesus Reset What Matters" - Tim Mannin

Doing Things That Matter (Part 10) Jesus reset what it means to be a leader. He reset what it means to do things that matter.His life violated the world's definition of leadership. In light of His example, we ask ourselves, "how are we leading others?" And "are we chasing after the world's definition of greatness?" Jesus became the greatest of the great, because He became the least of the least. (Phil. 2, Mark 14, John 13, Luke 22)  

"Lead Courageously" - Tim Mannin

Doing Things That Matter (Part 9) In our lives and our leadership, we often will allow our fears to dictate our future. This morning, we study the four basic fears that hold us back, the movement that takes place when we step past those fears, and the example that the courageous disciples lived out in Acts. (Acts 5:27-42)

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 "Person of Love" (Love Recklessly) - Jamie Stolp

Doing Things That Matter (Part 8) Our cause of "loving our neighbor" is a desire we have as a people and a plea that we find in 1 Cor. 13. Everything we are called to do and be as believers is wrapped in love. We ask ourself, "what are we known for?" Are we known as a people of love? (Luke 5:27-32, 1 Corinthians 13:1-8)

"Love Your Neighbor" (Love Recklessly) - Tim Mannin 

Doing Things That Matter (Part 7) What if we treated the greatest commandment, as if it was the greatest commandment? Jesus calls us to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourself. The simple, practical challenge of extending God's love and grace to the people who live hundred's of feet from our doorsteps. (Mark 12:28-31) 

"Who Are You Becoming" (Dream Wildly) - Tim Mannin

Doing Things That Matter (Part 5) How do we know if what we are dreaming about is God’s will? Is life some sort of “God-sized” maze that only really Spiritual people can figure out? This morning we take a new perspective on what it means to find God’s will. Instead of searching for what we are supposed to “do” with our life, what if we began to ask, “Who am I supposed to be with my life?” (Exodus 14, Romans 12, 1 Thessalonians 5, Psalm 37.)