"Blank Canvas" (Dream Wildly) - Tim Mannin

Doing Things That Matter (Part 4) Is our only dream to become what other people tell us is "normal" or are we scaling the walls of normalcy for God's kingdom purposes? If Jesus were to ask the same question to you that he asked to the blind Bartimaeus (What do you want me to do for you?) Would you ask for more of the same "normalcy" or would you ask for the miraculous? (Jeremiah 29:11, Acts 3, Mark 10)

"The Power in Perhaps" - Ryan Moore

Doing Things That Matter (Part 3) In 1 Samuel 13 & 14 we see Jonathan & his Armor Bearer step out of the shade of the tree & into a battle of impossible circumstances. These men understood that God is not limited by our resources & there is power in "perhaps." What is keeping you in the shade of the tree? Is it your feelings of inadequacy, brokeness, or selfishness? Give God your "Yes" and He will do the rest. (1 Sam. 13 & 14)

"Boat People" - Tim Mannin

Doing Things That Matter (Part 2) What is it that is comfortable and safe that you are putting your faith in? It's not about holding onto the familiar, but stepping out toward Jesus. Doing things that matter will cause you step out of the boat and into an ocean of possibilities in The Lord. (Matt 14)

"Your Story" - Tim Mannin

Doing Things That Matter (Part 1) We dive into a new teaching series that is at the core of who we are as a church. "Doing Things That Matter," is a concept that drives so much of who we are as believers. Far too many days we spend simply living instead of shedding mediocre versions of faith and scaling the walls of normalcy for God's kingdom purposes. For at the end of your life, all you really have is your story, and your story will become exactly what you lead it to be. (Luke 10:25-27 & Genesis 3:8-9)

"Stories of Our Church & God's Faithfulness"

This morning was a special morning in the young life of our church. We heard specific stories from the people of our congregation, stories of God's power, love, and faithfulness. Stories of what God has done and is doing are such a major part of who we are as a church. By looking back and remembering how we were all stirred to be a part of this movement, we can look forward with an eager anticipation.

"And Many Animals" - Tim Mannin

Jonah And The Great City (Part 4) Resolving the purpose of the book of Jonah, we close our four week series by studying chapter 4. In this, we see Jonah's struggle with the vine, the city of Nineveh..... and "many animals." What is it that we love? What is it that we care more about than the people of His creation? We are invited to be a part of the great story of God's redemption and His infinite love for His people. (Jonah 4)

"The Great City" - Tim Mannin

Jonah And The Great City (Part 3) This morning we look at part 3 of our series on Jonah and read how Jonah finally answered the call to go. At the heart of our Christian faith is movement, and we are called to "go." Through our obedience, we often see God do some of His biggest miracles. (Jonah 3, Matthew 12) 

"Thank God for Fish" - Tim Mannin

Jonah And The Great City (Part 2) Continuing the story of Jonah, we look at Jonah's prayer within the belly of the fish. The expected cry of help is instead met with a prayer of thanksgiving. Sometimes it is the storms in life that God uses to save us. What storm in life are you going through and are you thanking God for it? (Jonah 1:17, 2)

"The Jonah in all of us" - Tim Mannin

Jonah and the Great City (Part 1) We begin the series "Jonah and the Great City" by taking a new look at a familiar story. We all know that Jonah ran, but by breaking down why he ran, we see a character trait that we all posses. Not forgiving others and holding on to petty judgement can cause us to run from who God has created us to be. The story of the Gospel is forgiveness, are we living that? (Jonah 1, Nahum 3)

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"Dying To LIve" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of John (Part 7) Death is the engine to life. In this message we see how difficult living the Gospel can be, but how dying to our old self is the first step in this process. Are we clinging to our old self? Are we forgetting what is behind us and pressing on? What is our faith costing us? And, what else should it cost us? (John 12:23-33, Luke 9, Philippians 3:7-11)

"What About Him" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of John (Part 6) This week we read about the seemingly petty friendship between John and Peter. Reflecting on our own lives, we challenge each other to embrace the unique calling on our life, relentlessly pursue who God created us to be, and quit keeping up with the Jones'.  (John 20:1-9 & 21:15-23, Genesis 27 & 32, Exodus 20:17)

"Who Forgot The Bread" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of John (Part 5) Today, our summer series turns to chapter 6 of John and witnesses the miraculous power of Christ as He feeds the multitudes. The principles in these pages show us that God does the most with the least and that it doesn't matter what you have, but who has you. (John 6:5-13 & Mark 8:10-21)

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"John 10:10" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teaching from the book of John (Part 4) John 10:10 is the seed verse of our church. In examining it, we weigh our life, what we are chasing with this life, and what Scripture says about experiencing "life to the full." (John 10:10, Ecclesiastes 1:12-17 & 2:1-11) 

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"Not of This World" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of John (Part 3) We continue our teaching series in the book of John by looking at chapters 17, 18, & 19. In these chapters we see Jesus' desire for us to be sent into the world around us and our desire for Him to be king of our everyday life. "As I was sent, so I am sending you." 

"I Am Not (Part 2)" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of John (Part 2) The second part of our series from the book of John. Simon Peter denies Christ three times by proclaiming "I am not." We seek to live out the Gospel in our daily lives by leaving all our old self characteristics at the cross and taking with us the promises of a new life in Christ. (John 13, 18, 21 & Luke 22)

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"I Must" - Jamie Stolp

We read of Jesus saying from a very early age, "I must be about my Father's business." Looking into our own lives, we ask ourselves the question; "What is our I must?" (Luke 2, John 9)

"I Am Not" - Tim Mannin

Living The Gospel: teachings from the book of John (Part 1) This is the first message in the series, "Living the Gospel: teachings from the book of John." In this weeks teaching, (John 1:19-34) we see John the Baptist declaring "I am not," in order to shift everyone's focus off of himself and onto the true messiah. We join with him in declaring who Jesus is. 

"God With Us" (part 4) - Tim Mannin & Ryan Moore

God With Us (Part 4) This is the final message in our four part series, "God With Us." We spend time recapping our series, hear a testimony of how God is with us in our pursuit of Him during times of extraordinary circumstances, and we leave with the challenge that Jesus gave to the Rich Young Ruler. (Matt. 19 & Daniel 3)

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"God With Us" (part 3) - Tim Mannin

God With Us (Part 3) Where is God in the midst of tragedy and suffering? He said, "I will be with you." The question then becomes, where are we? We place ourselves in the hands of the potter, to be shaped unto his desires. (Psalm 77, Isaiah 64:8, Exodus 3)

"God With Us" (part 2) - Tim Mannin

God With Us (Part 2) The second message from the series "God With Us." Looking at 1 Samuel 17 and Acts 3, We learn lesson's about the power of God's presence, how it pulls us forward, and our ability to give it away. (1 Sam. 17 & Acts 3)