WEEK 1 | WEEK 2 | WEEK 3 | WEEK 4 | WEEK 5
1. Read the devotional.
2. Answer the reflection questions.
3. Read + Engage in the “Devoted Practices.”
There’s a song by Maverick City Music called, “You Keep On Getting Better” that beautifully communicates the idea that God’s goodness never runs out, it never ends, it just
Here are some of the lyrics from that song. (fyi the link to listen to the song is at the end of the devotional - so make sure you give it a listen).
Verse 1
I will sing of Your goodness
I will sing of Your love
Though the seasons come quickly
You have always been enough
Though the night may get darker
Though the waiting seems long
You have always been faithful
To remind me of Your love
You are good, In the morning I'll sing
You are good, In the evening I'll sing
You are good, You are good to me, yeah
You keep on getting better
You keep on getting better
You keep on getting better
You keep on getting better, yeah, yeah
In the song they repeat that line “you keep on getting better” like 57 times (or something like that). There is something about the lyric, “you keep on getting better" being sung again…
and again
and again
and again.
Every time I think I’ve received enough —
He gives more.
Every time I think I can’t do what’s in front of me —
He enables me for more.
Every time I think God can’t love me more —
He loves me even more.
Every time I think I can’t wait any longer —
He stretches me for more.
Every time I think I’m full of the Holy Spirit —
He fills me more.
Every time I think I want to quit —
He shows me I have more.
Every time I think I understand Him —
He reveals even more.
Every time I think I can’t ask God for any more —
He reminds me that He has more than enough!
God is more than enough…on repeat.
More than enough again…
and again
and again
and again.
Let’s consider a moment in the scriptures when things went from good to even better. The early believers in Acts 2 figured something out that in Acts 1 they didn’t know anything about. In Acts 1 Jesus gave the disciples his final instructions and then ascended into heaven. The scriptures say that the disciples were stuck “staring up into the sky,” so presumably we can conclude Jesus literally ascended in some supernatural way to the heavens. Before he took off like superman he told them to go and wait on the Holy Spirit. Verse 4 says, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
So in Acts 1, when the disciples realized Jesus was leaving again — and this time for good — they must have been devastated. Think about all they had experienced with Jesus; three years of amazing ministry that kept getting better. Jesus took them along for a ride that every day literally got better — more good happened, more followers joined, more truth was taught, and more good news was spread!
Then suddenly things got worse…much worse. They experienced the unthinkable as they witnessed his arrest, torture, and brutal crucifixion.
In hours it went from all good to as bad as it could get. We’ve never experienced this sort of bad.
But in God’s more than enough fashion, Jesus one ups himself and his previous work with resurrections (i.e. Lazrus and others) and he resurrects himself! He kicks the enemy in the face, stomps on his head, and simultaneously Jesus fulfills hundreds of prophecies and confirms all of his claims as the way, the truth, and the life. The disciples are like, “Oh yeah, it’s back on, baby!”
Things could not be better!
But let’s go back to Acts 1, this takes place just 40 days after his resurrection. Jesus says to the disciples, “I’m about to leave and from now things are up to you. So go and be my witness to the ends of the earth!” (those instructions are now passed to us).
After he says this Jesus leaves (like a boss 🚀).
The disciples likely feel uneasy.
Thus the whole staring up into the sky thing.
At this point things don’t feel better.
So off they go to wait in Jerusalem.
Not every part of our faith journey will feel like it’s getting better. There will be seasons that are bad. There will be times that we’ll have to fight the fight and persevere through trials. But with God the season will pass, the dawn will break, and the light will come rushing in!
In Acts 2, while they were praying (or actively waiting) a mighty wind came from Heaven and filled the house. The disciples were caught up in the miraculous moment of God sending “the gift” of the Holy Spirit and the disciples were filled with the Spirit and enabled by his presence and power for great works.
e v e r y t h i n g
got better
Acts 2 sparks the beginning of the Church empowered and filled with the Holy Spirit. Throughout the book of Acts from that point forward it says, “and the Lord added daily to their number daily those who were being saved.” It says that line again…
and again
and again
and… well, by now you get the idea.
It just keeps on getting better with God.
So back to the idea — The early believers in Acts 2 figured something out that in Acts 1 they didn’t know anything about. Well, they figured out a lot of things with the help of the Holy Spirit, but specifically let’s consider Acts 2:42-43,
Every believer was faithfully devoted to following the teachings of the apostles. Their hearts were mutually linked to one another, sharing communion and coming together regularly for prayer. A deep sense of holy awe swept over everyone,
This beautiful picture of what it means to be the Church together continues from verse 42-47, but let’s look at the first line, “Every believer was faithfully devoted…” They figured it out! Life in this new world for the disciples who claimed Jesus as Lord and were filled with the Holy Spirit would begin with faithful devotion!
It all begins with our devotion to Jesus!
We must be ruthlessly committed to a life that isn’t sort of devoted,
or halfway devoted,
or sometimes devoted.
We must be fully devoted because why wouldn’t we be? Is there anything else worthy of our devotion? Worthy of our time? Worthy of our praise? Jesus is the only one worthy! He is good! He keeps his promises! He is for us time and time again.
The more devoted we are to Jesus the better life will be. Not because God rewards us for good behavior, but because life with Jesus is better!
Like the words of the song…even in the darkest of nights or when the waiting seems long, God is always faithful and he is always good —
He. Keeps. On. Getting. Better!
All the good and bad things in life are made better by Jesus. He is our Jesus+ (as in Jesus plus). It’s sort of like Devoted+ or Apple TV+ or Disney+ but only a lot better!
Jesus+ your job is better.
Jesus+ your future is better.
Jesus+ your family is better.
Jesus+ your doubts is better.
Jesus+ your problems is better.
Jesus+ your anxiety is better.
Jesus+ your dreams is better.
Jesus+ your sin is better.
Jesus+ your regrets is better.
Jesus+ your disappointments is better.
Jesus+ your destiny is better.
Jesus+ your anything is better.
Psalm 63:3-4 says it best,
“Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live!”
In other words…I will praise and glorify God again
and again
and again
and again
and again…
and…like I said, you get it.
Click for the song - You Keep On Getting Better
by Maverick City Music
Write your answers in a journal (paper or digital).
1. How has God been good to you?
Write down 10+ ways God has been good to you. Do you best to really consider this question, dig deep and consider how again, and again, and again God keeps being good to you and keeps getting better!
2. How are the Devoted Practices impacting you?
So far you’ve been encouraged you to memorize one verse per week (Hide The Word In Your Heart practice) and to participate in One Hour Prayer, Denying 1 Food Item, and to do a one week Social Media Fast (Contending Over Consuming practices). That’s a lot, and if you’re doing Devoted+ there’s the Bible Reading Plan of Luke and the idea to stack those fasting and prayer practices on top of one another. Now matter how good or bad you’ve done at those practices take a moment to reflect and respond to how they’ve impacted you.
How has memorizing scripture encouraged you? Has God used any of those verses in a specific way yet? How?
What/How has the prayer and fasting practices helped you, shown you, done in you?
What is one tangible impact you’ve experienced from fasting social media?
Do you feel like you are growing in your devotion to Jesus? How?
This week is an All Media Fast and memorize Psalm 63:3-4. More details below.
3.. Watch or listen to the sermon “Keeps On Getting Better” (click to watch) (from 3/21/21)
Practices & patterns of a life devoted to Jesus.
The Practice of Scripture Memory
One of the most powerful practices of a devoted life is scripture memorization.
This Week’s Memory Verse:
PSALM 63:3-4 (NIV)
“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live!”
Scripture Memory Graphics (backgrounds)
Click to download graphics you can save to your phone or computer.
Scripture Memory Tips
Click for helpful ways to memorize.
DEVOTED+ — Bible Reading Plan
Want more of God’s word in your life?
Click for the Devoted+ Reading Plan of the Gospel of Luke.
The Practice of Fasting & Prayer
WEEK 4 - ALL MEDIA FAST (Denying Self)
As Americans we consume more media than we’d like to admit. Honestly, we’re in denial about it! Most of us think, “I don’t watch that much TV, or I don’t look at my phone too much — but them, that person, yeah they never look up from their phone and they definitely binge watch way too much TV — but me, yeah I’m good.” Sure…right…you’re all good and this is a them problem not a you problem. Most stats say we spend 3-5 hours a day on our phone and we average 4 hours per day of watching television. So at best the cumulative average is 7 hours per day. 7hrs per day x 80 years means we’ll spend over 23 years of our life consuming media! Listen, some of that is good - it’s fun to watch movies, keep up with friends on social media, and be in the know about the news — but this is too much of a good thing! We have to live countercultural to this reality — we must be contenders over consumers. Just think if you and other Christians traded some of that time for prayer, spiritual practices, and various acts of serving, love, and generosity. It would lead to a much better life for you! A life God wants for you!
This week you are challenged to deny yourself of ALL MEDIA (social media, TV, video games, etc..). It’s a fasting practice to train and discipline yourself to reduce your media consumption drastically for a week with the intent to help you change your habits moving forward. In other words, don’t fast for a week and go back to the same old ways. Allow the fast to help you change your ways and to place media in a more proper place in your life by reducing the time you give to it. So here are the basics for this practice:
1. What Is It? — Similar to last week’s Social Media Fast the All Media Fast isn’t a considered a proper biblical fast, but it’s an effective form of withholding something as an act of denying self. The “All Media” refers to social media, plus any other forms of media such as; TV, Netflix or other streaming services, media apps like news or sports apps, and video games. Basically it’s a week to withdraw and completely unplug.
2. Why Do It? — Jesus modeled times of withdrawal from every day life. His 40 day fast in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-11) is the perfect example of a time Jesus withdrew and abstained from certain things and that gave him a strength empowered by the Holy Spirit to overcome temptation and remain faithful. Seasons of withdrawal help you tap into the sources of strength that God wants to give you.
3. How Do I Prepare? — Rearrange any media related phone apps so they are either temporarily deleted or more difficult to access. You may need to communicate with others in your life like family, kids, etc… so they know you are changing your routine for the week and doing less things like TV and more reading, hanging out (have more conversations and play more games), prayer, taking walks, connecting with people, or exercising. You’ll be amazed at how much more time you’ll have!
4. DEVOTED+ If you’re doing Devoted+ then you’ll be doing: 1. One Hour Prayer 2. Continuing to Deny 1 Food Item 3. All Media Fast
Additional Instructions:
5 Week Fasting & Prayer Plan
Click here to read more about each week, how to prepare, and about the “Devoted+” fasting & prayer experience.
Week 1 — 1 Hour Prayer
Week 2 — Deny 1 Food
Week 3 — Social Media Deny/Fast
Week 4 — All Media Deny/Fast
Week 5 — 24 Hour Food Fast (or longer)
Week 4, wow - you’re doing great! God is going to use your devotion to grow you in so many ways! He’s proud of you and sees your love for Him! Keep leaning all the way in!
Click here to make a Prayer Room Reservation