WEEK 1 | WEEK 2 | WEEK 3 | WEEK 4 | WEEK 5
The Practice of Fasting & Prayer
Jesus taught his disciples to fast and pray. It requires preparation, discipline, dependency, and trust — all marks of a devoted life. When we fast we reorient ourselves — think of it like a hard restart on your phone or computer — we’re re-setting our hearts to seek pleasure, purpose, joy, and life through Christ instead of worldly things. When we fast we feed off contending instead of consuming. Each week intentionally helps you step deeper into a fully devoted life of surrender, praise, trust, and greater faith!
Prepare Ahead of Time (You’ll Need To)
Below you’ll see the 5 Week Plan and further down the page is a “what, why, and how” explanation for each fasting or prayer practice. You’ll need to prepare ahead of time with potential adjustments to your schedule, thinking through meals, and readying your heart. Also make sure you notice the “Devoted+” idea that you may choose to go all and do!
The Five Week Plan
Week 1 — One Hour Prayer
Week 2 — Deny 1 Food Item (or drink)
Week 3 — Social Media Deny/Fast
Week 4 — All Media Deny/Fast
Week 5 — 24 Hour Food Fast (or longer)
If you want to take the 5 week plan to the next level you can stack each week on top of each other as you go. For example, during Week 2 you would do the week 1 plus week 2 practice (thus, the title…devoted+). Then in week 3 you would do weeks 1, 2, plus the week 3 practice and so on. If you choose to do Devoted+ and stack the practices then by the end of the 5 weeks you will have done One Hour Prayer five weeks in a row, denied your 1 food item for four weeks, fasted social media for three weeks, fasted all media for two weeks, and done a 24 Hour (or more) food fast.
Read about how to prepare for each week
WEEK 1 - One Hour Prayer
Further Instruction Provided in the Week 1 Devotion.
1. What Is It? — An extended time of prayer. One Hour Prayer is a great way to begin this devotional. In the Prayer Room, at home, anywhere.
2. Why Do It? — Choosing to contend in prayer is an essential practice of a devoted follower of Jesus.
3. How Do I Prepare? — Determine when and where you will set aside an hour (or more) to pray.
WEEK 2 - Deny 1 Food Item
Further Instruction Provided in the Week 2 Devotion.
1. What Is It? — If you are familiar with how Christians practice the Lent season this is a similar experience. In this case you’re challenged to choose one food related item to sacrifice or deny yourself. Examples include, denying yourself; breads, sweets, your favorite drink, meat, eating out, coffee, or your favorite snack.
2. Why Do It? — The idea is to deny yourself (deny the flesh) of something you typically may crave and go to regularly. This practice is an act of worship (Rom 12:1), but also a training exercise in your discipline (1 Cor 9:25). When we grow our discipline in small sacrifices like this it will grow our confidence and ability to be disciplined in bigger things like prayer, scripture reading, exercise, and even in our relationships. Small discipline and sacrifice leads to greater discipline and greater sacrifice.
3. How Do I Prepare? — Choose your one food related item before the week begins (no later than Monday of week 2). If the one item requires adjustments to meal planning make sure you’re ready to go. Don’t get tripped up by a lack of planning.
If you’re doing Devoted+ then you’ll also be scheduling a One Hour Prayer time this week.
WEEK 3 - Social Media Deny/Fast
Further Instruction Provided in the Week 3 Devotion.
1. What Is It? — A social media fast isn’t the true definition of biblical fasting, however it can be a discipline of denying self for the sake of Jesus. This practice challenges you to refrain from all social media for the week. If you don’t use social media, then choose one media outlet you consume daily such as watching/reading the news, sports news, or a video games..
2. Why Do It? — Most of us fill the margins of our time with way too much scrolling. We must turn down the noise to better hear the voice of God. It’s also a powerful way to experience a renewal of your mind (Rom 12:2). You will experience more time, more rest, and less distraction, comparison, advertising, negativity, and worldly influence. If you return to social media after this experience the hope is that this will help you change your approach and reduce the amount of usage…in other words less time consuming and more contending for the better things of life.
3. How Do I Prepare? — It may be necessary to temporarily delete your social media apps off of your phone (you can reinstall later).
If you’re doing Devoted+ then you’ll also: 1. Schedule One Hour Prayer 2. Continue the Deny 1 Food Item practice.
WEEK 4 - All Media Deny/Fast
Further Instruction Provided in the Week 4 Devotion.
1. What Is It? — Similar to last week’s experience the All Media Fast isn’t a considered a proper biblical fast, but it’s an effective form of withholding something as an act of denying self. The “All Media” refers to social media, plus any other forms of media such as; TV, Netflix or other streaming services, media apps like news or sports apps, and video games. Basically it’s a week to withdraw and completely unplug.
2. Why Do It? — Jesus modeled times of withdrawal from every day life. His 40 day fast in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-11) is the perfect example of a time Jesus withdrew and abstained from certain things and that gave him a strength empowered by the Holy Spirit to overcome temptation and remain faithful. Seasons of withdrawal help you tap into the sources of strength that God wants to give you.
3. How Do I Prepare? — Rearrange any media related phone apps so they are either temporarily deleted or more difficult to access. You may need to communicate with others in your life like family, kids, etc… so they know you are changing your routine for the week and doing less things like TV and more reading, hanging out (have more conversations and play more games), prayer, taking walks, connecting with people, or exercising. You’ll be amazed at how much more time you’ll have!
If you’re doing Devoted+ then you’ll also: 1. Schedule One Hour Prayer 2. Continue the Deny 1 Food Item practice. 3. Continue your Social Media Fast.
WEEK 5 - 24 Hour Food Fast (or longer)
Further Instruction Provided in the Week 5 Devotion.
1. What Is It? — A food fast is considered a biblical and spiritual discipline that Jesus himself practiced and taught his disciples to do. You are encouraged to choose a 24 hour period during the week to do a full food fast. If you want to do a longer fast that is up to you!
2. Why Do It? — When we fast, if forces us to seek God and lean into Him for help and comfort. God meets us powerfully during times we are desperate for Him. Often when people fast they feel God’s nearness (Phil 4:4-7) and are more able to hear the voice of God (John 10:27).
3. How Do I Prepare? — Plan ahead and choose when and how you’ll do your 24 Hour time frame (or longer). Drink plenty of water ahead of time and during the fast (this is important!). Scriptures teach us to not tell others when you fast (Matt 6:16-18), so only tell whoever is necessary while fasting. If you plan to go longer than 24 Hours make sure you do a web search to learn best practices for fasting and consider your personal health conditions. (Additional preparation instructions will be available in the week 5 devotion).
If you’re doing Devoted+ then you’ll also: 1. Schedule One Hour Prayer 2. Continue the Deny 1 Food Item practice. 3. Continue your All Media Fast (inclusive of social media).