Written By: Isaiah Werner
Scripture Reading: Luke 5:17-26 + John 10:10
Has it been a good 10 days or what?!!
We hope you have been genuinely filled with Awe and Wonder over the past week as we’ve explored the depth, power, and love of God. We hope that the last 10 days have been spiritually disruptive for you in the best way. A lot can happen in a few days when we intentionally make space for God to move so let’s recap where we’ve been.
Throughout the course of this devotional we’ve:
Invited God to disrupt our spiritual normalcy.
Explored how God reveals himself and invites us to encounter him.
Remembered the weight of our sin and the power Jesus’s sacrifice.
Found gratitude in the fact that our hope is in Jesus and not some dusty goats.
Been overwhelmed with the grace and majesty of Jesus - The Champion of the World.
Felt the power of Jesus words, “Peace be with you.”
And rejoiced in the presence of the Holy Spirit who continues God’s good work in us.
All of this, while also celebrating the Risen King, the Lamb who is the GOAT!
I’ve been so moved by allowing my mind to embrace the greatness of God. It is incredibly humbling to come to terms with His size, scope, and power, especially when it’s paired with the gentle reminder that He knows me, loves me, and has me.
God is so good.
So the question after 10 days of Awe and Wonder is, “what’s next”? I imagine you’re like me, I want to live in this reality forever but I know how easy it can be to slip back into my old patterns.
I don’t want to be someone who wanders through life with a glazed over expression just hoping that God will do big things on my terms or timeline. We talked about it at the beginning of this teaching series- we want to move from an existence of “Uhh and Wander” to a life of “Awe and Wonder”. We want to relish in the moments where our life and faith are disrupted because we have a history of knowing that that’s when God is doing the most amazing things.
So as simple as it sounds, the encouragement today is to keep going! God is not going to be less awesome and wonderful tomorrow, I promise. The only variable in our relationship with him is us. So if you found a deeper connection with God through scripture during this time, keep reading! If God met you in a profound way through time in the prayer room, keep praying! If the joy of God was revealed to you through worship, teaching, and the gathering of believers, then come to every single church event you can! If doing all the things for 10 days brought you just a little closer to God and allowed you to see how full of wonder He is, then KEEP LEANING IN!
Today’s scripture from Luke 5 reminds me how often I operate in spiritual paralysis. I want my faith to cut a hole in the roof and make way for God to do things in my life that would fill me and those around me with awe. That’s my hope for myself and that’s our prayer for you. May this be a catalyst moment as you go forth and live a life full of Awe + Wonder for God.
Spend time today praying for the 10th day…“here I am…disrupt me God and fill me awe and wonder.”
Fishing the Ten Days of Awe by intentionally encouraging someone today. Share an kind affirmation about them or share an encouragement about the awe + wonder of God.
Reflection Questions:
How has God moved in your life over the last 10 days?
What are some practical ways that you can keep the fire burning in the coming days?
How does the scripture from Luke 5:17-26 encourage you?