Written By: Scot Sullivan
Scripture Reading: Exodus 34:1-10, Isaiah 6:1-8, Revelation 4:9-11
The term holy, or holiness is an interesting word. Outside of church or religious circles, you rarely hear it, other than as a precursor to some salty language. I wonder if it is because we have a hard time understanding it or even fathoming it. I mean until you come up against holiness, can you fathom it?
Moses had that opportunity a few times to respond to God’s holiness. In the second etching of the 10 Commandments, as the Lord appeared to Moses, it says "Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshipped," At the burning bush, it says Moses "hid his face" because he was afraid to look upon God's holiness. Moses’ response was one of awe + wonder! It was a response to something beyond us, something so pure and powerful that he couldn't help but fall to his knees in reverence and fear.
In other parts of the Bible we read about times when the Apostle John and the prophet Isaiah had visions of entering into God’s presence and both heard the words Holy, Holy, Holy to describe the Lord. They are found in Isaiah 6:3 and Revelations 4:8, and they are similar, here is the latter:
Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty,
who was and is and is to come!”
These two instances are the only place in the Bible, where a word is repeated 3 times. In the Hebrew language, intensity is communicated by repetition. So with each holy, think stronger, and more powerful!! Holy.....Holy.... Holy!!! Some believe the 3 uses of holy are one each for the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Whatever the reason, one thing we need to reconcile with is the word holy. Jesus was described as holy. Yes, he was the son of man, fully human in all its brokenness, but also fully God. Fully perfect, fully sinless, fully sacred, fully set apart and divine, part of the Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I will be honest with you, I have been a Christian for nearly half a century now, and I have seen a lot of different responses to God, many truly beautiful.However, if there one response that I feel has become less and less of a response throughout my life, it is reverence for the holiness of God. Moses’ response was to bow and hide his face, Isaiahs’ response in 6:3 is "Woe is me!, for I am a man of unclean lips!” Holiness in these situations caused them to respond because of the dichotomy between God and ourselves.
In this Easter Season, I want you to consider the holiness of Jesus. Not only by worshipping God as compassionate, forgiving, and loving — but also honoring Jesus as the Holy One. The Divine and Sacred One worthy of reverent awe + wonder!
Spend time today praying…“here I am…disrupt me God and fill me awe and wonder.”
Reflection questions to pray and journal thorugh
When you come face to face with Jesus, what will your response be?
Have you ever considered what the act of bowing down with our head on the floor conveys?
How can you begin to respond to the Holiness of Jesus our Lord?
Take a moment and pray for OKC Community — unity, salvations, breakthrough, and Easter Services.
Who is someone you can invite to Easter?