Written By: Leslie Koch
Do you ever feel like your life is moving too fast?
Like you’re spinning?
It’s because you are.
Right now, sitting in your cozy chair where you’re reading this devotional or maybe you’re at the stoplight and glancing at your phone (don’t do that!! Keep your eyes on the road!), right NOW you are spinning at about 1,000 miles per hour as the earth takes you around the sun and stars.
The Sun we are spinning around?
It’s one of 300 BILLION stars in our galaxy.
Our galaxy?
It’s one of 100 BILLION galaxies.
For every grain of sand on Earth - there are one million stars.
When I think of awe + wonder…
those are the things that come to mind.
Just how overwhelmingly big God is. The miracles that happen every day that blow my mind just in God’s creation. And yet, that same God who created billions and billions of galaxies - cares about me.
He wants to meet with me.
This humbles me to my core.
How often do I take that for granted?
In the gospels, the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray and Jesus gives them clear instruction on how to pray, commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus says in Matthew 6: This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
This phrase “hallowed be your name,” is what comes FIRST in the Lord’s Prayer. Right off the bat, Jesus shifts our attention from ourselves and puts our focus to God. Jesus tells us to start by recognizing and honoring the God we pray to. It’s all about Him! His holiness, His power and His work in the world.
He is a loving God who invites us into His presence.
He is holy and worthy of all honor and praise.
Our priority is to humble ourselves before him.
I can’t think of a better way to prepare our hearts for Easter than to focus our attention to God, how mighty he is, and by declaring his power and goodness over our lives.
Spend time today praying…“here I am…disrupt me God and fill me awe and wonder.”
Scriptures: Matthew 6:5-13, Isaiah 40:18-31
Connect with God through a “hallowed by your name” time of prayer — declaring to God as many things as you can about him that you are in awe + wonder of.